Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Tuesday, January 10: A Normal Day in Philly

I awoke from my slumber feeling humble, and a little bit achy 

like I’m old and stuff. I managed to make the train on time because it was running 3 to 4 minutes late. 
Thank God it wasn’t 15 minutes late like Twitter warned us. SEPTA had it so called equipment problems that they have a couple times a week in the morning. I was a 
couple minutes late but on the way I picked up coffee from prett, which is some pretentious name for a coffee shop that was supposedly founded in London in 1986. I waffles on over 

to Mike’s and read about Prince Harry and his stupid tell all book which he comes off like a whiny little crybaby who’s been spoiled too much

.  of course the late night shows have to have them on because they

 live off book tours. And they can slap each other. Silly and giggle for the fans and

 stuff. My ear is still clogged up. I’m making every effort

 to loosen up the gunk so if I go to the doctor, they can hopefully flush it out. Anyhow, it’s 

1136. Mike and I are going to go for a walk for a bit. It’s not a bad 

day outside for January. maybe I should anyway Mike and I took a walk and we discussed

 matters like Prince Harry, dead people we know.  Mike got

pizza. I was tempted to have a pizza, but the my angel said no don’t do that. No, 

I actually I just have lunch waiting for me at Mike’s place and one . 

of those pouches which I can cook in which is really cool. When we got home and 

I went to the vendor for some sodas because they’re only two bucks that’s

 compared to CVS and stuff which is like $2.50 and higher for the same thing. 

The soda tax is  the city’s  version of a grift but at least it’s going towards schools. At least I hope it is. It’s now 12:46 PM. Anyhow we came back. I had lunch and did a couple things

 and we mostly just hung out. Time flew by and next thing you know it’s time for me to sign out. Mike thought he had an appointment 
at 3 o’clock but that’s tomorrow. 

I then left. Talked on the phone for a little bit and headed towards my appointment at 4 o’clock. I 

now need to go to the 530 class because of the 4 o’clock appointment. It’s pretty chilly but there’s no 

winter it’s not as bad as it could be. Well I made some progress during

 my 4 o’clock appointment and we have a plan. Which is good. After the class, I went to a 530 yoga class which was a 90 minute 

class with Chris Fluck. He’s a good teacher. His wife is really into him and even names of her website after his name. That’s dedication. 
He’s got a Lotta self-confidence women love that shit. I have heard a conversation or sending one of their kids to a private school which is double the price of the other private school and
 he has to earn an extra 400 a week minimum interesting stuff Anyway, it was a good class. After 

the class I rested at the studio for a while as I usually do and then went to Rite Aid picked up some provisions

 and then caught the train home. I didn’t get home till about 9 o’clock  and I unwound eat some leftovers and talked on the phone 

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