Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tuesday Night

Today we got our new computer and keyboards. We kept the same duel monitors. The only bummer is that most of my extra work files never made it. I did call DPW tech support and I am to request that my old hard drive go to OIM and then they are supposed to put it in my network drive ( :H ). A friend emailed some of them back. Digg this  I can not copy/past on the web based CIS. This will make me more inefficient. I am going to call  the the CIS Hotline and get a "Ticket #." I do not expect much. Oh well, life is change right??
Speaking of change, I was encouraged to check this NJ state job in Pleasantville  NJWell, when I went to Google Maps, the car and bus commute are almost as far. Umm...
In politics, a Tea Party favorate, Christine O'Donnnell beat Mike Castle in Delaware. Castle was well-known and a moderate Republican. Boy, there are not many moderate Republicans left. Its amazing that in LESS then 2 years, that some folks see far-right candidates as a solution to the country's problems. Yup, tax cuts for the rich are really gonna help me and the middle class.Ah the trickle-down economics. As the saying goes: "Don't piss on me and call it rain"..The phillies won and I got to see Cole Hamels strike out his 12th and 13th batter while waiting for take out. I had wings and Carolyne had a salad. I was treated to a cold one to boot.
Anyway, I am going to call it a night, since the battery on this computer is dying and I must get up early tomorrow.

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