Sunday, September 05, 2010

Into the Abyss:

This is bout Sept 3rd It was a bogus day. It was like staring in to the abyss of life. Just running around at work doing alot of nothing while others can act up and talk their way though life. Meanwhile, lets go to a future world
  where people can control you and keep you away from other people?    connecting the most minute observations of the times you failed to call or inform of a change in plans Naming 2 times  had to call 911 for a medic cause you did not answer the phone or be supportive Big brother don't like that man. This the future world since we as a society are passive and just want to get by. Meanwhile, the big brother is never appeased and gain more control until you as the passive working drone do something unwise and get the penalty that you deserve for doing the stupid act.
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Crackers said...

Where does Big Brother reside these days?

Unknown said...

In my reality. More air more freedom.