Friday, September 17, 2010

Anyone that knows me, KNOWS I am working!!

Well, the last few days on the mundane side of life have been interesting. At work as you see above, there was some "police activty. Notice the Philly policeman
at the early part of the video pulling out his 9mm Glock. Now, I did not hear any reports
EEEEK! The Mid-Terms!!!
of gunshots but it looked pretty scary to me anyway. On the way to work I sometime see the Wine and Spirits store (e.g the state store) filling up their inventory of booze for folks to imbibe to.
Fill her up!
We got new computer with Windows 7. I am for one NOT
Details of the upgrade to windows 8 on microsoftImage via Wikipedia
Always ready to upgrade!
impressed with Windows 7. At work I generally have to keep 9 or so windows open. With previous versions of Windows, I could see the name of the file below, not with Windows 7. I think Microsoft was trying to mimic the Apple operating system.I am a govt employee, not a creative artist. I just want the system to be easy and user friendly, yet can help with tasks that working folks need.   Well, I got a ride home from a supervisor and she listens to a funky little station on the very right of the FM dial and I got to hear this classic song from 1984. Its called White Lines. The video merged the hood with one funky tune.
I am just working in the hood, doing just what I should. I am doing it right doing it all though the night. Well, got to hit the sleep now.
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Anonymous said...

Windows 7 is so much better then Vista. I just installed it on my desktop machine. It's amazing! I am using Vista Business on my newer notebook and XP on my old notebook.

XP does offer greater compatibility for now, but just wait for 64bit applications to come out. They will never work with XP.

Stuart said...

I remember playing White Lines on the radio at college!

Unknown said...

I remember working for a canvass and we drank beer whild bowling at midnight and this song came on.
As for Windows 7. I don't like that you can NOT see documents that you have minimized. Its very irritating when at work I have stuff that I have to find. I find the fact that documents disappear after you "hover" over them.