Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Monday, January 22: Travel Day with American Airlines

Well, Mary and I made the best of a crappy situation. We decided we would not go to any 

hotel because it wouldn’t be worth it since we have a standby That starts boarding at 7:15 AM. So we were told there’s a that starts 

boarding at 7:15 AM. So we were told there’s a place we could get food through our credit card since there’s no stores open 

and there is no human so you just go in grab a sandwich so Mary and I grab some grub and it wasn’t bad tasting. We enjoyed
the food and we had a little fun , I took a picture of Maryann I get it giving us giving the 

double finger. The one middle finger salute to American 

Airlines for screwing us over I had an , I took a picture of Mary and I get it giving us giving the double finger. The one middle finger salute to American Airlines for screwing us over. I had a hoagie in my mouth and we both made weird expressions. Anyhow, 

we decided to sleep underneath one of the tables of people charge their phones, so I use the yoga mat  as a bed and we used the Turkish towels that I bought 

is covers and use various clothing as pillows. We slept, as well as who could considering the extreme dleeping all night at the airport we got up and Mary bought some

 coffee and an English muffin sandwich from the Starbucks. We did manage

 to get on the standby flight. Thank God for that. Soon as I sat in my seat,

 I fell asleep and I wrote back to Larry. Also, today I was determined to get my phone fixed so I ran back-and-forth to Apple Store. I showed up right after I arrived at Mary‘s. Dumped off my stuff and ran over to the Apple Store. They told me to come back at 11:30 
so I went to Mike’s and I ran back to the Apple Store at 11:30 and they told me to come back at 1:30. The phone was fixed successfully but it cost me 350 bucks, now I have to go back and edit my blogs and get my pictures resurfaced which will take at least a week. Believe it or not I ended up going to yoga class. I bought some turquoise shorts, which were very funny at the five and dime place near the five guys and the five below 

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