dreams. It kinda kept me restless, and I kept having to answer the call Mother
Nature. I did manage to gather up my garbage and put it out for Pat and I
brought slippers and my powder for my damn feet issue I have. I got Mike’s close to
I was copying&pasting for a few months. Anyway, I think I’m gonna postpone
my activities for one more night just to double check myself. I did do
an errand for Mike and got him some money for him to get food until his snap benefits
come in. OK Mike’s a little bit and then I attempted to go home but when
I got on the train, it only went to 3 8th St. and the train was delayed and stopped
at 30th through had to get off and get a shuttle bus but I couldn’t get
the shuttle bus so I just walked the rest of the Away 40th and decided some delicious
Indian dinner that was really really fun. I’m glad I did that and I called the 21
bus which was really packed as people who were still abandoned from the previous train problems
due to someone falling in the tracks are being pushed in the tracks. I think
got home and mellowed out for a little bit and attempted to get myself tired. It’s now 9:24 PM. I
went as well to be expected. Here’s the report:
The Dr just left. She said the surgery went well. She was able to get out the whole tumor and they will do radiation to be sure nothing spread. Although they think it's cancerous she said it's treatable - Adenocarcinoma. They didn't need to put in the external ventricular drain. Also they don't think the sinus lesion is connected but need that pathology.. Pet scan before he leaves on Sunday or Monday and radiation in two weeks. I should be able to see him in an hour. I'll update again soon.
Per Mary:Mike is in room 766 in ICU. He's sleeping and I'm heading home soon. He was talking and engaged.
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