a really nice 8 AM yoga class with Chris. It was more full today than yesterday. It was a really nice session and everybody was kind of solemn afterwards just because
it’s a last class. Anyhow, I went ahead and took a nice shower and got my last-minute packing done. I did some videos and dumb. We then went to breakfast
had bread with it and it was they had guac as well. It was very good. I ate a lot of the fruit, including the papaya and the pineapple. Afterwards, get some finishing up with the packing and
decided I would keep my travel yoga mat because it was good to me and never know when you’re gonna need it. Anyhow, after breakfast, and after the packing, the guy in the
van came over and we all set her goodbyes and loaded our stuff in the in the vans. The airport ride was much smoother because it was a lot cooler and I didn’t have
and it’s now 3:04 PM and waiting for our boarding call to Charlotte. We got to Charlotte OK despite the fact that they had to replace
at 6 PM which would’ve forced us to miss the flight they found somebody in time, but then the hell really began
the plane but we missed the plane and somehow they all got in front of us. We got in the wrong line at
15 minutes ahead of time which I know is patently false because the people in our
group barely Barely made. In fact, we texted one of them and they said all of them just
showed up and barely made it, so I don’t know what the fucking hurry was. I think they were
all anxious to leave and they’re under pressure leave the goober
was told to tell us that we were about two minutes late for the flight so we’re staying
overnight at the Charlotte airport cause they offered the hotel room
even though we proved to them that it was due to the airline but they said that the pilot was overtime because
of flight delays and flight delays. Do not entitle you to shit from
Airlines and that’s all I gotta say about today , so we will definitely be the
talk of the town we go back to the studio now I probably won’t do any yoga till Tuesday so that’s that and I’ll have to have to cancel my therapist appointment as well.
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