Friday, September 16, 2022

Friday September 16: Radnor Appointment Walking & Center City

I woke up and it was early. It was about 8:30 AM. I had my coffee and cereal. And then drove to Penn medicine at Radnor 4 an appointment for Lynne. She 

had to have her shoulder checked out. They made a wait an hour for 15 minute appointment. Penn Medicine was a lot less efficient than the last time which was two weeks ago. Next 

appointment is six weeks from now. It’s nice and sunny outside.. I’m 

pretty damn tired. I got this product called skull shaver. Supposed to be able enable me to shave

 my head and my face and you can hold it by your hand. They call it pitbull because it’s named after that stupidsinger black and for some reason people from Florida 

for some people they really like the guy. I decided to take an hour nap and that was really really good. It’s such a nice day that I decided that it would take a walk
 as well. It’s now 1:32 pm. I think the walk

 will start very soooooon.. I plan to shower when I leave here. I might another friend after that. It’s now 4 o’clock and I’m just leaving to catch the train to Center City 

to pick up my new sneakers. I had them mailed over to the store so they wouldn’t get lost in the mail. I ordered the shoes a while ago. The train leaves 
about 4:20 PM today is Friday so the store should be open. Things always take longer than you think they are as long

 as you do that you don’t get uptight and make yourself antsy 🐜 for no goddamn 

reason except to upset yourself and possibly those who surround 

you. I did go to the store and ended up by got an extra pair of insoles. I didn’t really

 order, and then I returned. I then gave away the other pair of sneakers 

and put on my sneakers and left. I was somewhat of 
a demanding customer because I just didn’t want to have to go back-and-forth. After that, I decided I could go to a meeting and I did go to a meeting at 5:30 PM. It 

was pretty good after that,  I decided that I could go back to my place. I do pay rent there and I have my stuff there so I came home on the market, Frankford

 line and try to unwind and eat which I successfully did. I also looked at some videos. It was a bit of a stressful day, but I made the most of it. Don’t expect to hear from the state for a while. I’m guessing around October they’ll let me know. That’s when the LIEAP season officially starts. They probably won’t call me at all but I at least want to know that. 

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