Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Our Present State of Affairs

Its now going to 5:30 am and I did some reading. I read an article on Yahoo that the US middle class is shrinking at a rapid rate. American workers are competing against countries with low wages and no benefits. Meanwhile the top 1% are gaining wealth. I saw a good website on the Tea Party and the Constitution. You know how some Conservatives come off like THEY own the US Constitution. I think they ought to read this article Strange Brew: The Constitution According to the Tea Party. I really like the piece refuting the charge that health care reform bill is unconstitutional. Its about time someone challenges them and other Conservatives that again think they know everything about the US Constitution. I say keep up the good work!
Just think, we are going to elect MORE of these right-wingers to Congress. I love it when the middle class votes against its own economic self-interest
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1 comment:

deciminyan said...

Just like in the 90s, when the Republicans gain control of the House, they will conduct endless costly and useless investigations instead of doing the job they were sent to Washington to do.