Wednesday, March 03, 2010

March Rain...I Don't Mind...

Good morning. Rain is here. Can Spring be far away?? I am doing the welfare this week since the owner of ABG (Always Better Grown) cut back on hiring. Man, he has 5 kids all grown with their own families so, they can "keep it in the family". Its a good recession strategy for sure. Well, the Philly Flower Show has affected my public transit. Check out the hordes at the 8th and Market PATCO station. Also I saw one of the many ads on the SEPTA that I know someone might be interested. I plan to take this Friday off and do taxes and next Thursday for our anniversary. We plan to see the new Alice in Wonderland movie at an IMAX theatre. I guess that would be in Philly.
I started looking at the sugar content of the ice tea that I buy everyday. The green tea has 20g of "sugars" which is LOWER then orange juice!! Will, I get TypeII Diabites??? Man, they can send a man to the moon but the crap that folks with this adult onset disease is F-up...
Rather then leave you on a depressing note. I leave you with a cool funky tune. I do not know the song or artist but its on a station at 107 on the FM dial. They have a "basement party" show from 5 to 6pm during the week and a co-worker had it on her radio. Man, some groovey stuff. Let me know if you know the name of the song. Well, got to fly on the bus in the rain...

1 comment:

MoonDoggie said...

Great footage of WP. I like the Basement Song. Funny name for it.