Monday, October 22, 2012

Recap: March 29th 2012

Here is a blog entry from one of my 7 or so inactive blogs. I keep thinking I will make new ones but I go back to the one that has the most history. Here is a blog post written March 29, my 15th day of Sobriety. This is one of an occasional series of blog postings since 2012 Started

I have not blogged in almost a month. Lets see, my life went crashing with a DWI and wrecked my car. Being put in the cooler THAT was the WORST ever. THAT was a signal that it was time to just stop the self-destruction and self-harm. Time to quit the booze, maybe before I was OK but it will get only worse if I continue and I can not subject myself or anyone else to that EVER!

Chatting online at my place. Tired!
Now to meet the lawyer, pay him and pay my debt to society. It seems to be a day by day slog. I am going to outpatient rehab and to AA. I used to make fun of folks who used to talk recovery and that is all they talk about. I now see why they do. I plan to eventually get a life as soon as I get out of this funky funk

Yup gonna keep a day count, and write again. I can not wait to get a phone from my friend. I know I must wait but blogging without pictures is like a day without sunshine.

I want to see my friend in Buffalo and just be away.
Oh, yeah, stay away from the whack jobs. Stay home and be with friends to the end.

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