Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Obama v. Romney 2nd Debate: Media Spin

I watched the debate tonite and was heartened to see the President stand up like an awake man and push back against Gov. Mitt's B.S. It was spirited and the moderator Cindy Crawley did a pretty good job. She was not the strict school teacher like Martha Radditz but thankfully she was not the doddering push-over that that Jim Leaher was in the first debate.
Since it worked well for him, Mitt Romney played his aggressive role by interrupting and in general being  pushy. President Obama, stunned how he was PANNED by all for his last debate performance, showed some backbone and matched Gov Romney toe-to-toe on the issues. Here is an example of the President rebutting Gov. Romney on immigration.
Here is President Obama challenging Gov. Romney on his vague tax cut proposal:
This is a heated exchange about the terrorist attack on Benghazi Libya. Gov. Romney was hoping to get the President on foreign policy.
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I am going to bet all the money I don't have that our corporate media will call it a draw and say President Obama did better. Well at 11:07 Pm on the NPR website this is the first statement about the debate from the NPR Website This is from a Frank James. I guess his is the moderator of this chat. Here goes!
All good things must come to an end and so must our live chat coverage of the second 2012 presidential debate. The story line for the next few days will be about President Obama reviving his inner debater while Mitt Romney continued to perform well. We'll be back on Monday for the final debate. That encounter, in Boca Raton, FL, will focus on foreign policy. Thanks for joining us tonight. See you Monday. Until then, be safe.
Such even-handedness. Aint that the job of the media in this United States, you know just treat politics as merely a sport. The media does the both are being agressive, forgeting that this agressiveness was begun by Governor Romney 2 weeks ago. Note that the media applauded Romney and busted on Obama in uniform fashion. Here is a snippet from NBC
UPDATED 10:55 p.m. ET - President Barack Obama took the stage at Tuesday’s presidential debate determined to play offense against Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, taking every opportunity to put his GOP challenger on his heels. It was clear from the second presidential debate’s outset that it wouldn’t resemble the first, when Romney was widely-acknowledged to have run circles around Obama, whom Democrats worried was not aggressive enough in responding to Romney’s attacks.
The last quote is from Mediate. Its a website that captures the latest medial events of the current day. Here is the last paragraph of this story about FOX News reaction to the debate. Its very instructive of how the media attempts to frame the dabate. They do a pretty good job and folks do not know they are being manipulated. Check this out
If you favored one guy or another, you had plenty of proof. I thought Romney’s best moments were when he was laying out the record of the Obama administration on unemployments, on debt, on poverty, on median income. I thought Obama’s best moments were when he basically said Romney favors the rich, and he talked about the fact that he thinks it’s okay for him to pay 14% when a lot of middle-class people pay a lot lower, because, of course, Romney is paying capital gains taxes. Overall, my reaction, I think it certainly stopped the bleeding of the Obama campaign.
Well, I am for one glad that the media has declared that the bleeding stopped for President Obama. I mean the media was hoping that Vice-President Biden would act "crazy" for entertainment. Before October 3rd when President Obama fell flat the media was reporting that there was little movement in the 3-4 point lead held by the President. The media insiders ALSO bellowed that there were very few undecided voters. Well how then do you explain the 10% swing for Gov. Romney right after the October 3rd debate??

I watched this debate on the computer I took video and a photo or 2. .

1 comment:

Stuart said...

Yes, this was a good debate!