Thursday, June 17, 2010

June 17Th Thoughts

Good morning. I am going to stay in Philly this evening. Steve showed up after 4 days in Va. Glad he was ok. The weather is still warm. NJ Transit is eliminating the 6:15pm bus out of Camden. So if I miss the 5:55pm bus the next one is 6:53 and the one after THAT is 8:13pm. So NJ transit is not serving the commuter that works past 5pm. Yup, my 15% fare hike at work.
Of course we have Millville First. They support seeing 8 police being fired. Hell, they do not live in Center City Millville so f- it why should they care about crime? Well, a nice crime wave might support their contention that the Arts District was not successful. I must say it not ALL members of this organization but their leaders. Two of them receive GOVERNMENT PENSIONS!! Can you say hypocrite boys and girls??? SURE, I KNEW y'all could.
Another person has left the welfare building and is going to be a real social worker and REALLY help folks. She was fustrated by all the paper that the state loves to use. I know in the Career Development unit at welfare, they want more paper for EACH carfare you give and they want overpayments if a recept for a transpass is not received in 14 days. Hell, I am against fraud but when you add more paperwork requirements with a shrinking staff, you INVITE ERRORRS. Well, I guess finding errors in complicated Welfare policy and procedure is like shooting fish in a barrell and gives someone a job and political talking points. I am so glad I can do my little part. Good luck Kim in your new endevors.
Well, got to fly to make the 5:47am bus and working on pet-sitting projects.
Stay in touch and watch the World Cup.

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