Monday, April 27, 2009

Shed Renovation

We are in the process of cleaning out our shed and adding windows. It should look very nice when its done. It will add to the Fithian House Gallery experience Right now I can not wait for trash day. Its going to be 90 degrees again today. Yesterday I canvassed for Tim Shannon and got my first sunburn of the year.


Anonymous said...

Don't renovate. We don't want property values going up. We don't want young professionals moving it. Keep the property values as low as possible so the slumlords won't pay as much in taxes. Didn't you learn anything from Van Kook.
Look Friends of Millville, when your done picking up the trash of others, it's in the constitution: PATRIOTS DON'T PAY TAXES.
Have you learned nothing from the puppet, Van kOOK?

Anonymous said...

Hopefully, the Deadbeat Dad has informed you how to renovate on the backs of the taxpayers like he did.

Anonymous said...

Maybe they can hook-up with Michelle and have the Mumia burn at her house in lieu of the travesties.

Anonymous said...

"Daddy, will I ever see a black person at the sailing club?"
"Maybe someday son, if they were to marry a lawyer, or realtor, that sort of thing."
"And Daddy, do trees really cause pollution? Yes son, you'll have to ask Millville First about the specifics on that."

Anonymous said...

"Yes, Son?"
"Do trees prevent crime?"
"Yes, Son. I've never heard of a tree committing a crime."
"Gee Daddy, now I know why you don't work. You are tooooo smart to work for a living."
"We could go get some firewood, son, but I don't have a truck to transport it in."

Anonymous said...

I'm upset over the Chicken store being in the Arts District. Other than the bars, tattoo parlor, and check cashing store they are the only one's doing business. Makes us artist's look bad. People are going to expect us to work for a living. Maybe all the artist's should move out of town? Not!! At least not until we can find another easy mark like Millville to get handouts from.

Anonymous said...

Raise property taxes, then take out the trash.

Anonymous said...

Millville First has it right: more Section 8, right in the middle of town, then business will really be jumping. Where's Van Kook when you need him?