Receiving no increase in aid from the state, the new budget includes no growth in school programs and several large cuts in programs There is a proposed 2-cent tax increase. This means a tax rate of $0.705 per $100 of assessed property value. The increase is expected to bring in $293,875 in revenue to the district. Dig this, the state considers Millville to be "under taxing for its public schools by $10,384,784."
Lauren VanEmbden is going to run against Gloria Noto in the Fall election. I wish her luck she is a good candidate who has a mind of her own. This will be youth vs experience. Just in time for the election the Freeholders are going to reduce taxes. Of course rateables are down so WATCH OUT FOR NEXT YEAR!!
The Zoning Board approved cell antennas to be added to the senior citizen apts at Main and High Street. Metro PCS and and another company are going to start businesses in Millville. The board denied a variance to a man who wanted to connect all the buildings in his property so that the 15 members of his family would not get wet.
Word from a Democratic insider has it that a "coalition" will be formed for the City Commission election. The candidates that will "help" each other are Jim Quinn, Rev. Dave Ennis, Charles Flickinger Dale Finch and Joe Derella.
Don't be scared, Anonymous. It's not like Millville is a ghetto surrounded by sprawl with a populace that is clueless as to its cultural and natural resources-and rather than striving to be a destination that people would travel to (and spend money), like Cape May, it's aiming low and hitting its mark, striving hard to be like Bridgeton- mediocre and a haven for Section 8 landlords and constitutional scholars alike.
We're not run by Big Lou cronies and frat boys making back room deals ( did the North Jersey developers break ground on the lake property yet?) Any chicken joints going up there, I know the lakeside denizens love their cornbread done right.
No, don't be scared, that's just people talkin'. Besides, who wants to look at art, followed by fine dining, when you can suck on chicken bones? I'd drive miles for that.
Don't be scared. Its not like complete fools want to be running for office. Love the long-winded comment just written .Guess he watches the commission meetings.
But it IS scary. They've proven that they ARE complete fools! We CAN'T vote them back in!
What is so scary. What has happened to Millville in last 12 years that has scared you. What would you like the replacements to do if elected. I have not heard anything except end the abatements. What vision and plans do they have??
Everything is fine for the Section 8 landlords who keep Millville a slum just like Bridgeton. Aim low Big Lou- these yokels don't care about sprawl and living in a slum surrounded by strip malls. Quality of life? That's just people talkin'.
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