Sunday, November 21, 2010

Monday Tour of Berkley

Getting Direction on the Berkley Campus
An Artist and his string art
John and Alex
Today, John and I went to breakfast around 9 am and then John went to work.  I was to go to the club but instead decided to walk toward the University. I met Carl and he gave me a guided tour of the area near the  campus of Cal Berkley.I did some interviewing to him about Metaphysics and the 7 second rule. After that, I met john and his son Alex at a nice resturant bar. Boy it was a beautiful place. I saw 2 people that looked exactly like a good friend and a French woman I had met in 1985. I had a nice California buzz thats for sure.
This is quite interesting and states  and alot of walking though the campus. He called Berkley Bezerkley and I did find that amusing. More amusing then the 50 year old men with the fancy bicycle outfits that were very prevalent near the bakery and coffee shop near John's place. More fun then seeing dogs everywhere on the sidewalk. Sorry it took so long to get this out. I have been getting back on track with stuff and then blogger had technical difficulties.
Mural at Berkley
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