Sunday, May 03, 2009

Rainy Sunday, Arts Funding and the Week Ahead.

Well I was unable to hit the Porecca Drive to hear how loud the races are today. Well its raining and I had some business that needed to be done for our gallery. We did get tickets from a friend to see the Bay Atlantic Symphony last night. It was something different. They are reducing prices to make attending their concerts more afforable and urged the audence to call and write the state legislators to restorte arts funding that Corzine wants to cut. Corzine wants to remove the dedicated funding that the arts are getting from a Motel/Hotel tax.
Supposted to be on and off rain all this week. It will be an eventful one. We go to Sarafinas for an event, Tuesday is the last City Commission meeting before the election, Thurday I make my formal presentation for a varience for our Gallery the Fithian House gallery. Its after 1pm, time to open the gallery...BYE


Anonymous said...

Will the Levoy be reducing their prices to make attending more affordable and attract 80,000 people in the first years? They should share their attendance projections with the Cumberland County College. CCC has one of the nicest theaters in New Jersey, they have been in operation approx: 9 years and their attendance is about 20,000 a year. Maybe the Levoy plans on free admittance?

Boner Boy said...

Another anonymous loser trying to tear someone down. What is it with these Millville First people? Why are they so negative all the time?

What are they bitter about?

Maybe if they spent some of their time being productive instead of hanging out under a bridge all day they could do something worthwhile.

Nah, probably not.

Anonymous said...

"Ja, Jozsef?"
"Is it possible to have some education, and yet be uncultivated?"
"Ach!!,you mean close-minded culturally yet be strong in one's opinions on social matters? Ja, a bit of a paradox, but one could be a snob and a rube at the same time."
Where do you learn such things here in Millville?

Anonymous said...

Hey, some nice tail in that orchestra.

Anonymous said...

The only tail that can be seen is Jim McGreevy with his back to you.