Yup, I was at the Millville City Commission meeting this past Tuesday the 21st. After taking care of stuff at home I decided to venture towards the end of the meeting and I see that certain folks are looking out for the Millville Taxpayers. Instead of JUST being AGAINST: UEZ, Arts District, Motorsports, RAD, they are NOW against FUN!! Now, I know this is a serious charge but listen for yourself as this speaker says that the City of Millville Block Parties are
"Irrelevant". Commissioner Shannon defended the Block Parties but stated that they will go like the Edsel and the Dodo Bird if UEZ funding is not obtained. I have not been to a meeting in several months but this was a doozy plus the building was HOT.
Whatta douchbag!!! The event is FREE!!! People without money don't have to buy anything to have fun! They can even pack a lunch!! The Block parties are where people re-connect with friends. No wonder some people wouldn't understand - they have no friends. Free events like these are a quality of life issue - they make Millville a cool place to come to - a place where people want to be - a place for Free Family Fun!!! Whatta douchebag!!!!!!!!
I agree. I come from out of town to enjoy these parties. The taxpayers in our town cannot afford to have these type of events. So we travel around to towns that don't mind spending taxpayer money to provide us with a good time. Keep up the good work.
I watched the meeting and correct me if I'm wrong, but Mr. Shannon stated earlier in the meeting that an application has been made to UEZ for funding these block parties. If UEZ does not approve the funding, then the parties are done. I guess that makes our Commissioner of Fun a Grinch? No. That makes them responsible. I don't know where you live, but I continue to pay higher taxes and anything that can hold or reduce my taxes is welcomed.
If you haven't figured it out yet, the taxpayers have had enough of the spending and freeloading. If you want recreation, then get a job and pay for it. For Mr. Shannon to say it is an obligation to provide recreation (parties for freeloaders) is totally absured. But then you would defend the parties, because you are trying to move out of Millville and won't have to pay the increase in taxes.
First off I am not moving outta Millv. ille!! The block parties are a good time for many residents who ARE TAXPAYERS!! Most of our taxes are for public safety. The city HAS held the line on taxes. The COUnty tax rate has gone up.. This is why I am voting for the Repubicans in the Freeholder election
I only wish these so-called guardians of my tax money would head out to Bridgeton to the County freeholder meetings. Also what would THEY do with my tax money??
End UEZ so Bridgeton and Vineland have a competitive advantage. If you want to end UEZ, then go to a Freeholder meeting have them shut it down. The MF's are against ANYTHING this Millville Commission brings up. Do they care about future generations?
Settle down. I go to the freeholder meetings and I don't recall seeing you there. Why do you always look for other people to fight your battles. You seem to have a serious problem with Millville First. My question is, what happend to the Friends of Millville? If the county is the problem then who do we blame for what Mr. Derella stated is a 52-mil. dollar debt? So we don't raise the taxes we just keep borrowing so that our children and grandchildren have to pay for what we are buying. Is that caring for future generations? I guess you decided to stay in Millville because you can't afford to go to Bridgeton?
Friends of Millville is alive and well. They just don't make idiots of themselves like Millville First's Teseroni, who alone most lower the average IQ of MF by 50%. Millville is the one bright spot in the county. The investments in our town are making it a better, and yes, even fun place to live -- despite the protestations of the absolutely humorless MF contingent. As for the county, what has King Lou Magazzu really done? Taxes are up, kids have nothing to do, teen pregnancy is rampant. And the remark about where Krull wishes to live is a typical Millville First personal attack. MF must take lessons from the school of Carl Rove.
The remarks concerning Lou Magazzu are interesting. I believe he was just recognized for his work concerning teen pregnancy. I doubt he is a member of Friends of Millville though. Doesn't have a judgment against him for being a deadbeat dad. And he actually works for a living.
I think we need to chill
Mr. Testeroni must have made some valid points. Reading the Daily Journal article on the web today, many people in town are agnst the parties useing taxpayers money. I don't know if what our comissioners are doing is legil.
I used to respond to the DJ Forums but its the same old cynics.
They see the cost of everything and the value of nothing except themselves. Most folks are buzy raising their kids and making a living. Most "taxpayers" like having events in walking distance
People can be upset with Mr. Testeroni and Mr. Porreca but at least that worked for a living and their pension. When one sits around on a bar stool they realize as they get older that they have nothing. Not even friends. Because when the Sheriff takes away what few possessions they had for not supporting their children their friends leave them because they can't afford to buy them drinks anymore. Keep up the good work Millville 1st.
The man who allegedy "sits on a bar stool" has more friends than the "axis of evil" would like to acknowledge. He is also well respected, not only by his countless friends, but also by the people in the community he has attempted to help through his volunteerism in Center City Millville, AHOME, Weed & Seed and of course, Friends of Millville. It's too bad that Millville First doesn't share the same enthusiasm and participate in any of the programs actually working for the benefit of Millville's residents instead of constantly criticizing the city, Mr. Johnson and anyone else that disagrees their agenda. It's far easier to sit around plotting to castigate those who oppose you than it is to do something constructive for the benefit of those less fortunate. Millville First might actually have some credibility if once, just once, they complimented the city on the positive direction Millville is heading in and didn't constantly criticize every program and initiative the city sets forth. As for Mr. Johnson's child support dilemma goes, as I understand it, these alleged delinquent support payments are for two adult children who should have been emanicipated years ago. Thanks to the New Jersey judicial system and friends of Mr. Porrecca (i.e. judges, lawyers, etc.) Mr. Johnson is the victim of a broken system. I personally believe Mr. Porrecca and his ASSociates in Millville First set the wheels in motion in an effort to silence him for exposing Millviile First for the hypocrites they truly are. As a republican, it disgusts me that I share the same political views as these cowards, but not enough to switch my party affiliation (like Mr. Porrecca did by siding with Magazzu) simply beacause I despise some people that share my views. God Bless Mr. Johnson and thank God for providing us with a city commission that is caring and progressive enough to provide a few entertainment venues for Millville's residents that can't afford an alternative form of recreation.
Ha, I love how Millville First sycophants always mention Carl Johnson, like he has anything to do with their ignorant and reproachable behavior.
Not everyone that thinks you are garbage is Carl Johnson. I could care less about his deal, but I can care about, however, is how Millville First constantly causes headaches with their improper medaling.
You guys really are pathetic.
Keep sucking on the government teet. You bunch of welfare babies.
People can think and say what they want. As a Democrat, I think Carl Johnson is o.k. As long as the Republicans have him in their corner, the Democrat's are a shoe-in. Don't let them take your spirt Carl.
Just got back in town and wanted to thank Carl for all his assistance in getting the local Democrats elected to office. Without his assistance, it would have been Republicans-Republicans-Republicans.
Thanks Carl and keep up the good work.
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