Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Days go Long but the Weeks go Fast!

The Progress from Right to Left

Carl Sketching Pat Dec 2011
It has been a long time since I wrote on this blog. I was not motivated to sit and write. I would just be in the mood to be entertained by Jon Stewart, Mediate. , Buzzfeed, Crooks and Liars  and Facebook. They are all nice and I think folks should check them all out.
Mark and Stuart using Skipe
Since I last wrote there have been some changes going on. First of all at work, my supervisor of 12 years retired in Mid January. This changed the tone of the CDU Unit. Gone are the mass of folks being scheduled at the 9 and 10 am times. Yes, there are some that are scheduled but it has been cut by 70% in this month of February 2013. I do have to do more scheduling but that is worth it since I do feel more in control  my work. I think I was just tired of how the unit was running. Change can be good.
Dental Surgery Feb 20th
I am approaching one year of sobriety. My year will arrive on March 11th. It is a big deal to me since I have done work and started working the steps. Yes, I don't always follow though but I have done the 1st step well and learned that having some spiritually can be accessible and not overwhelming and scary. I go to at least one meeting every day and someday go to 2 meetings. I did this on Monday and Tuesday. Today I had dental surgery so I am taking a break from going to a meeting. I am one person who needs to attend meetings since I am not the best Big Book student in the whole world. Philadelphia has tons of meetings and this I am thankful for. I still want to be more consistent and organized so I can do more complete follow-though. I
Sketch by Pat
have been not beating up myself over it like I used to . I am still hesitant to share cause I still feel nervous about what I am going to say even after all this time. I suppose I just need to just say something and face it head-on. Well, as they say.."Progress not Perfection."
Looking East 2-6
I am hoping to get some finances in order in the next month and visit some friends as the weather warms up. I am overdue to get outta town and see other places. I plan to hit AA meetings wherever I go. I think it will be cool to meet folks and see how other places run their meetings. I want to visit my sister in San Diego and see how they are holding up and get some warm weather in me. Next I want to go to Buffalo  to see an old college friend. Maybe I can hit Tampa for a week in April. Well, we will see what happens. I get my licence back March 17th

Old Murph's Crew

Meanwhile I now want to see movies. You know first-run ones at a theater  I just saw West of Memphis. Boy that that was great documentary  Just tonite Feb 20th I just saw Side Effects. It was filled with twists and turn to excite any movie-goer! I think they are a good bet and you should go out and see them!

In the news, after the Sandy Hook massacre  President Obama put up some modest Proposals to curb gun violence  Suffice to say, the gun lobby is screaming AGAIN. "They gonna take our guns away!!" This is so far from the truth but it does gin up fear and gun sales. I could spend a whole blog entry on this but why bother???!
Lets hope I can blog more consistently man. Here is what I wrote last Feb 18th

1 comment:

Stuart said...

Dang my glasses look huge. My 1980s glasses actually were quite large.