Thursday, January 29, 2009

Congressman LoBiondo

It seems that "Congressman for Life" Frank LoBiondo just followed the House Republican herd and voted NO on the Obama Stimulus plan. According to his press release, he is for it but did not like SOME of the spending.
Come on Congressman, show some independence. You seat is safe so act like a leader and not just a backbencher. This thing is coming back after the conference committee, and then the GOP has an opportunity to say "I voted against it before I voted for it."
Tax Cuts will not help folks who are not working.


Stuart said...

Oh boy, this is fun to watch! A press release like this one won't impress anyone who is down and out, and it will be hard to defend ("explain again how you helped me Frank?"). Voting against fixing the economy (regardless of whether the plan is the right one or not) is just downright funny, and ALL of the house republicans were forced to do it.

Even Congressmen from "safe" districts may not be safe next time around. See how in my heavily blue district the formerly safe Dem Al Wynn got his butt kicked by the even bluer Donna Edwards. The traditional political logic in that district was thrown out the window.

And all the discussion about who will lead the republican party is just hilarious, because whomever steps forward will ultimately be sacrificed. The ones who could be successful party leaders have to wait it out, and that is just even funnier.

Anonymous said...

Lobiondo's a joke. Back in 1992 and 1994 when he was running for Congress he was Mr. Fiscal Conservative (not to mention pledging to only run for 6 terms --the big phony is now serving his eighth term), complaining about wasteful government spending. Then he got elected in 1994 and had nothing positive to say about President Clinton, who actually managed to balance budgets (hell he even produced big surpluses). Then Bush became president and Congressman Lobiondo stopped becoming a budget hawk, voting for all of Bush's budget busting bills that ballooned the deficit and sent billions of U.S. dollars overseas. Now that we have a Democratic President he now starts complaining about wasteful spending again. How convenient! Of course the sad thing is is that once President Obama's stimulus package becomes law (and it will become law) you know who will be in charge of all money that makes it into the County -- Lou Magazzu -- the biggest disgrace the County has, Republican or Democrat! It half makes me wish that the phony baloney LoBiondo and the Republicans were successful. Politics sucks because even when you win, you lose, such as Obama's win becoming Magazzu's gain.

Carl B. Johnson said...

Actually LoBiondo has ALWAYS showed independence, being one of the top Republicans to vote AGAINST G.W. on a regular basis.

Frank is right - Obama's package does not create enough jobs to stimulate the economy. His plan it seems is to give away money to welfare rather than encourage people to work.

I was really hoping he would have come in with a Roosevelt New Deal style plan that created jobs rather than just borrow money to pay our way out of debt.

Anonymous said...

LoBiondo may be independent on some things but not Bush's budgets. While Bush was President and the Republicans controlled Congress (2001-2006), LoBiondo voted for every single Bush omnibus spending bill that came before the Congress. Go look it up.
Obama's stimulus package regardless of its design has to borrow money because Bush, with LoBiondo's help, left this country broke. When LoBiondo was running for Congress back in 1992 and 1994 he ran against "lifetime politicians" and vowed to "self impose" a limit of six terms on himself. Well, LoBiondo has become a lifetime politician himself now serving eight terms. Promises, promises.