Well I got the car today and drove back to my place a little bit late but I got here And started working on the report that it had all the names on it.
f the rent to Pat. I’ve given him the wrong card as yesterday’s blog shows. When Pat and I went down to 69th St. go to the Rite Aid, 69th St. was sealed off in every direction by National Guard troops
ilitary forces when the pope came in 2015 all around Philadelphia near the Art Museum area. Governor Wolf is officially ending the stay at home order on Friday, June 4.
Major league baseball is proposing a 50 game
eason schools are going to open by the fall and more charges
have been added for the cops that killed George Floyd in Minneapolis last week. Around 12:45 PM today
hunderstorms rolled in and after they left some dude came to my door. He ended up being a neighbor
letting me know that a tree or at least a large section of the tree fell and missed the car by about a foot. I mean literally
1 foot!! I took pictures and shared them with Lynne
nyhow I talked on the hone during the day and decided to have a 2nd cup of coffee at 4:30 in the afternoon because sometimes it just puts me in a better mood and gives me.
a little spark that sometimes I need The thunderstorm went away. It’s now 5:25 PM I’m near the old Viking Inn on Lancaster Avenue which
Anyway we’re gonna walk to the chiropractor since the appointments not till 6:30 PM which is fine. We get
erocious but we came back on Uber and that
was helpful. We then had dinner and listen to Harville Hendrix podcast. It was well spoken and gave some really good points. Well it
looks like we’re gonna have curfews till the end of the week. And I am going to continue on this really I
have no choice. I’m just home slice with a lot to learn. Yeah man. There will
be great changes this year of 2020 we’re already going through them and we’re only halfway done this year. 2020 has been quite some
fantastic journey that’s for sure. Things that a year ago we wouldn’t
have dreamt of happening. Well there is one Trump being a complete divisive jack ass. November is only five months away thank God
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