I got up today and mediately went to my virtual meeting and then after I went to the virtual meeting I got myself to work. After a slow week at
work. Things started at a very frantic pace but I had three reports to turn in. There’s one report I did turn in but forgot seven people so I had
o go back in and find them and deal with
he Excel file problem. after getting that completed, I then worked on a much
smaller list and kept a running total for the end of the month for other little reports.
At the very end of the day I got sent 18 reverse referrals to do. They’re not hard it’s just they have to be done and without a printer or a scanner it’s a little trickier. I did
After a pretty peaceful day working in Shirkin and eating a delicious lunch that Pat
ade, I finished up work and decided to take a nap in the sofa bed.
I was awakened by some knocks on the door. I had to pack up and go. Went to the gas station and headed on out to the bunker. Ordered
hinese food at the same place and it was really tasty. I talked with Mike for a
hile he went to bed and then I decided after watching too much MSNBC that I
hould go to bed as well. Well it’s another COVID-19 day. I think will happen 18 months of the stuff. With Florida Arizona California another state surging in
ot out of the woods at all will be wearing masks to Lis next year at this time. If we had had a federal policy of clamping down we wouldn’t be where we are now with this whole bullshit. COVID-19 and the bunker that’s the life I live right now but at least the weathers nice
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