Thursday, June 04, 2020

Thursday, June 4: Warm Day w/ Things to Do

Today I woke up at my place tired but I had slept well. I seem to like to sleep a lot being at home all the time. First thing I did was to get coffee and get my cereal done. I then signed in for

 work. I started getting hot side to turn on the AC. There’s some issues I worked on getting resolved and I pushed on. The little store didn’t have any Pepsi‘s I got a couple things at the Indian store. Then I went back 

 o work working on that big long report that I’ve been working on for the last month and a half. I didn’t hear 
from my supervisor at all. During the day I thought about taking tomorrow off or working half day just so I could do nothing  for a while or  set up my printer. The big news today was former defense

 Ssecretary James Mattis forcefully spoke out against Trump and his abuse of power on Monday when you use the military to four S. peaceful protest or so he 
could have a photo op in front of it boarded up church holding a Bible. It looked really bad and I’ve noticed that still only a few Republicans
 have the guts to come out and support of a general. They’re so enthralled with Trump and his rabbit supporters they can’t do the right
thing for our 

 country.Anyhow working did and I was really tired so I had a little bite to eat  something to drink and then crashed really hard. When I got up 

  was feeling really out of it but I decided I’d go up and take a walk and get something to drink but I 
 wasn’t able to walk up 69th St., Davids literally blocked off or even passengers I mean restaurants can’t go up the military and police told me not to go up. I’ve videotaped because it’s really
disturbing. It’s been a disturbing
 time is it for this week. Things don’t feel normal. Lynne did go to a hot yoga class in the studio for a private lesson. I
plan to go  with her on Saturday will be able to be in a hot room and that will be completely different considering 
I haven’t been in a hot room of 105° since early March when all this stuff hit the fan with coronavirus/it’s about time in this essence of time which is been worked in the last three
months  of COVID-19 quarantines, protests & curfews. The pictures above or what I’m considering submitting to Da Vinci Art Alliance by June 14, 2020

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