Monday, June 22, 2020

Sunday, June 21: Summer 2020 Freedom COVID-19 Style

I woke up early once again in my bunker and sat and went to my friends bunker we hung out. We can parent conquers and covered 19 adjustments. It was pretty fun I must say. We were both laughing about 

 ow trumps grand rally completely flat and people are making fun of it on Twitter. Who’s later found out that people on TickTock and K-pop we’re sending fake RSVPs to make it seem  as if they were going to be about 1 million people coming to Tulsa to 

 elebrate trumps return to his rallies. I was loving it it was hilarious. Couldn’t happen to a bigger asshole in this Droyer of our country. Anyhow it started off badly for the president because six of his staff members in Tulsa got the coronavirus and Attorney
 General Barr was trained with firing the US attorney in Manhattan for 

 nvestigating Rudy Giuliani and other crimes. Anyway back in the bunker, I hung out there till about 1:30 PM and then I 

 ecided that I needed to get out and walk around Center city and check it out.

 It was a nice day outside in this home slice then decided he would go 

 ack to my regular home and chow down and maybe catch a nap. 

  succeeded on both fronts. There was a little action outside but I went

 back to sleep. And then woke up and talk to my sister and my

 friend Wes for a while that was fun then I finished off my food and decided that I could go to bed because that’s the best thing to do for me to go to bed when I want to and need to have to in this era of coronavirus Yum Yum. I  don’t know how long it’ll be till the other shoe drops but I’m going to keep my shoes on. And keep an eye👁 on the news 
because that’s what I’m  upposed to do. Siri starts a new week starting today or tomorrow. Not sure how long I can do this funky ass 
schedule as long as I get enough sleep I 
 guess I can do it. Also I have to weigh considerations of my friend. I know one thing is that I’m going to get  spam calls at work and on my regular phone. This really has nothing to 

 o with what I’m writing here I’m just taking up space. I hope my life isn’t all about

 just taking up space and then being put 6 feet in the ground  o I 

 ave to get more involved with photographs and eventually get back to my yoga routine and stuff.

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