Thursday, October 24, 2019

Thursday October 24: 2nd Day in San Diego

Greetings earthlings of America. I woke up early since   The cleaning people were  coming in. 

  also wanted to have some time to sit around and catch up on the

 YouTube etc.. Yes I did eat my cereal and then help Allison put trash out and bring up the laundry

 upstairs. We’re supposed to go surfing sometime today somewhere near

 La Jolla. He’s a good defense of Trump of the Wall Street Journal editorialize today. They point

 out the Trump is TOO incompetent to do the Ukrainian quid pro quo

. They say that’s why you should let them off. My god they 

 ome up at all kinds of defenses. Could you imagine the conservatives or anyone 

 else for giving a Democrat Democratic president for being

 competent and excusing him for being corrupt.? I think not!!🤪 It’s now 10:19 AM I’ve already been up for 3 hours. 
It’s really

 warm like it has been for the last few days. Well the Phillies hired a real manager. 

He is former Yankees manager Joe Girardi as their new skipper for next year. Sounds like a good 

 hoice to me he did very well with the Yankees. And fact, he’s a manager

 2009 Yankees beat the Phillies in the World Series. LOL so I went 

 hopping at the local target store. We got all kinds of stuff. Food a TV table a razor and deodorant for me etc. We then spent at least an hour and a half putting the TV table 
 together. It looks easy but there were some finagling that had  to be done to get it completed. it’s now 3:38 PM PST & we’re going 

 o go to Costco to get the TV we looked at yesterday. There’s more she says not quite as hot but it’s pretty warm as it is right now.Well we got the TV but we got to get a smaller one because the TV stand we bought was a bit too small. We called into the house in one of her daughters gave the measurements and we got a 43 inch TV. We also ordered pizza that  Becky picked  up on her way home. Well we came home and I pulled the TV out screwed on the vans in it and my golly it fit on the TV stand just barely but it did. Alice usually set up the TV and we watched a couple of movies for you. We first tried to watch some of the lamps bye we didn’t realize Hill dated him far-fetched it was. I am realize how old that movie was. Jody Foster was pretty young in that movie. We then watched a movie with Kevin Spacey is lead character I forgot the name of it it wasn’t bad. Cisco and Ebert didn’t like it but it wasn’t bad. We then watched a cute show called “tall girl. And that was nice. I didn’t want to go to bed because I was pretty tired. It was a pretty good day I must say one more day of the Santa Anna winds tomorrow

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