t the parkway saw the bus is Roscoe are all screwy. I confirmed a trip I’m taking to Harrisburg
to hang out with my friend the weekend before I go to Florida I mean California. So I’m going to go to the very
opular meeting I may have to forgo my coffee to get a seat. Well I got to the clubhouse and it
as the 7th step out removing our shortcomings. I could really relate today. I really was working
on not thinking cynical thoughts. One man brought up a philosopher Thomas Merton in his share. Some
of the real emotive and intellectual folks spoke today. I left
eeling a bit empty. And then I’m at the coffee shop. Didn’t feel like logging at the moment or
hat it’s called I was saying addictions are not so much genetic as they are dealing with pain and trying
to get rid of it. Well well well. I had another Ok cupid scammer spam or whatever you call them. She had this long
inded story about living in Tennessee and going with her kid
n South Africa to sell antiques. That is so old she seem normal and beginning
and then the old antique story came out I have a screenshot of it because she vaporized
off the site. I went to CVS and got some provisions and I’m heading home to hopefully get a little bit of a nap
efore my class at four. Well, I did take a quick nap and then went to class and for
hatever reason I was really weak very quickly my cold seem to get better but I later realized because I
idn’t eat enough and I was famished I had no appetite I didn’t
hink about it. I had to leave halfway through because I
hought I was going to collapse but I made it and I came home and mellowed out for a while. I watched on YouTube about Bikram Chowdhury
He was a real piece of work or he still is but he’s
n Mexico now from what I hear hear something I saw several YouTube videos
about him being a real Real sexist pompous asshole. The one I like the best with
roduced by Huffington Post. They posted this series called Dick-a--Pedia a wiki of dicks It openly
mocked Bikram. Now I can see why all the yoga studio change their
ames because he got really bad press and for good reason!
Will have to looking at all that
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