Paul Porrecca spoke for at least 30 min about abatements. Also Commissioner Vanaman stated that he talked to the Vineland tax assessor and this tax assessor contadicted Vineland Mayor Ramano by telling Vanaman that the new Wal-mart did NOT receive abatements. Michele Post of Track Racket spoke for 15 minutes responding to critics. Some her statements were sarcastic but she got her points across. She stated that TrackRacket's goal was NOT to close down the racetrack. but Her Group, Commissioners, and the track folks will meet in the next 2 weeks. Post stated that there are no more public meetings planned. Another man complained about the costs of vandelism in the city and how much the insurance was going to pay and asked where are the video cameras. Atlantic City Elec is holding things up with delays. The city is waiting to get the proper paperwork and it was clear that they were fustrated with the delay.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
City Commission Meeting Feb 19 2009
Paul Porrecca spoke for at least 30 min about abatements. Also Commissioner Vanaman stated that he talked to the Vineland tax assessor and this tax assessor contadicted Vineland Mayor Ramano by telling Vanaman that the new Wal-mart did NOT receive abatements. Michele Post of Track Racket spoke for 15 minutes responding to critics. Some her statements were sarcastic but she got her points across. She stated that TrackRacket's goal was NOT to close down the racetrack. but Her Group, Commissioners, and the track folks will meet in the next 2 weeks. Post stated that there are no more public meetings planned. Another man complained about the costs of vandelism in the city and how much the insurance was going to pay and asked where are the video cameras. Atlantic City Elec is holding things up with delays. The city is waiting to get the proper paperwork and it was clear that they were fustrated with the delay.
City Commission,
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They really need to enforce that five-minute time limit. Honestly, the public should be allowed to speak it's mind, but PP gets up there and says the same things every single meeting. Really, there's little difference in the things he says and he monopolizes the time of the commissioners, the reporters and the people in the audience waiting for their turn.
Michelle Post must be an artist? She definitely is not a member of Millville First. If a member of Millville First had spoken to the Commissioner's the way that Ms. Post did, there would be an uproar from Friends of Millville that would be heard around the world. Can we say Hypocrites?
Paul says the same things because they keep avoiding his questions. The people in the audience APPRECIATE the fact that Paul hold the commission accountable. I thought Ms. Posts remarks were great! The only reason there was no "uproar" was because Michele looked right at Carl when she was talking about his neighborhood watch group.
Hello Mark, Thanks for getting this up and being at the meeting last night. I just want to clarify my statement about future meetings...We are definitely planning a future general meeting, especially before the election in Millville. I will have you be one of the first to know so it can be posted.
Keep up the good work with Friends of Millville.
We're relatively new to the area and have attended a meeting of Millville First. Can you tell me when and where the Friends of Millville meet? Would like to attend their meeting so that we get an idea of what is being done within the community. Thank you(-)
Actually I was really offended by the condescending and snide nature of Ms. Post's tirade.
And she was totally out of line when she made the comment about Air Work - along the lines of "all these people are out of work, but hey, at least we got some peace and quiet".
It is easy to take that attitude and ignore the people's lives that were truly ruined - losing homes, etc., when you don't count on this area to provide your employment or income.
Her unprofessional demeanor made Porreca seem like a gentleman!
Millville Crime Watch...what does it take for you?? She said at the meeting she liked what your organization is doing and she's also an artist as are you. One would think you'd be happy with that.
There are at least two factors that are at work here. One, Carl is on Don's payroll, therefore he must defend anything the Motorsports Park does. Secondly, due to the amount of "art" that Carl needs to burn, Ms. Post would be required to have several fire companies on location to control the burn. Rumor has it that he has tried to trade his art for drinks at the local bars, without success.
Can you Carl Johnson haters mellow out. Lets try to stick to the issue at hand. We all have heard this before. Can't we have adult comments.??
Anonymous - be a real man and identify yourself.
I have NEVER tried to trade my paintings to bars - who are you?
Are you a person that stole - er sorry - LOST - about $10,000 for Sgt Baker's family - just about the same time you got new windows in your house?
I don't receive one dime from Fauerbach.
For the record, the NJMP is just one of those projects I really believe in.
And I do not begrudge Ms. Post the right to speak up, nor do I any member of MF.
I do resent the condescending and smug attitudes that both parties present to the city commissioners in a public forum.
It is unprofessional and belies a childish level of immaturity.
I also do NOT believe Ms Post when she says she is NOT against the track. She absolutely refused to meet with Fauerbach prior to her public media circus, even though he did try to arrange a meeting.
The track owners and board are more than willing to sit down and talk about viable solutions.
Mediation was obviously NOT in her agenda.
Now, as mark says - why can't you stick to the topic at hand instead of just using any forum as an avenue to lash out at me? Are your lives so empty that your every move has to be making up childish lies? But then, it is obvious to most people that the truth is not a word in MF vocabulary.
It is interesting that when someone cannot debate the issues, they personally attack the opponent.
"She absolutely refused to meet with Fauerbach prior to her public media circus, even though he did try to arrange a meeting."
Carl, did you not read my letter to you stating that Mr. Fauerback never called me to meet? I never refused to meet with him but was actually the one who set up the meeting that I did have with him at the track last week. So please practice what you preach about truths and half-lies.
Another transplant crying about peace and quiet while those of us who live and have grown up with worry about real issues like crime, gangs, slumlords and an ever-increasing unemployment rate.
Sorry to tell you, but you, Michelle Post, provide no benefit what-so-ever to the community. I'm not raging on you, just stating plainly. You pay modest property taxes, that's all. You don't spend millions building things, you don't create jobs. Sure, you have the right to complain, but be reasonable.
This track is the best thing that could ever have possibly happened to Millville. There's no chance for industry, no one's opening new businesses here or anywhere in Jersey for that matter. Embrace what's going to make this a better place, please.
Another "Anonymous" that purports to know all about me. Interesting. My name is here, how about you?
What more is there to you than has been published in the newspapers? They've been more than generous in allotting you more space than you deserve and your "plight."
So why don't you tell me what I missed out in my spot-on analysis of you and your relationship to Millville?
Please, inform the uninformed.
Your entire argument is disingenuous and frankly, a lie. I live much closer to the track than you yet, for some reason, the noise is almost non-existent. My house is old, so it can't be the insulation, can it?
I never hear the track from inside my house. And when I'm outside it's nothing more than a mild hum, far less invasive than my neighbors' lawn mowers, leaf blowers and snow blowers. Maybe I should talk down to the commissioners and be condescending about that, huh?
My dear, I will respond to you when I know to whom I am responding. It's only fair and polite.
Whatever. Don't talk about people hiding behind anonymous screennames, which I do to protect myself from people like Paul Porreca who go out of their way to destroy people's lives, when you yourself are afraid to provide any information other than your canned complaints that you dish out all the time.
Well then, you know how to reach me so if you would like to continue this conversation in more depths, feel free to contact me.
Looking forward to talking with you.
Sorry! Forgot my name!
No word yet from "Anonymous." Perhaps he/she went on vacation where there is no Internet available.
No, not on vacation. Busy remodeling our house and working at the track.
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