Hi! What a day in the world that I live in. Checking up on Mike in the morning talking to Bob about the furniture that I’m gonna get for
getting the furniture there and yoga in the afternoon. Also, I have an appointment
at 2 o’clock, I can’t miss. For some reason, my bladder has been very
active this evening or this morning whatever it is I can’t tell what time it is. Well right now it’s 25° in Philadelphia. It
is 5:26 AM. We just landed at Philly International Airport. I’m gonna try to put on a sweater cause it’s going
to be a shock to the system. We got an airport we’re in terminal and we did have to walk a bit to get to the ground
that was $33 an Uber was $13 less than $20 so I obviously called Uber we got in and front door. The door chest was jammed
kind of smells part of the apartment it’s now 6:30 AM. Well, we got to Mary’s and she cooked up some veggie burgers and we had two of them with 🍅
After that impromptu breakfast, we took a nap and I got up around 10 o’clock got myself together and headed out towards home to drop off
all my stuff and to get
a little organized. Well, I got home pretty quickly on the train dumped
my stuff off grab some food too bring to Mike’s and then went to Mike’s and turned on
the heat because the place was frigid and the window was wide open
threw away some garbage made sure the Mom’s Meals was taken care of which it
was and then I spoke to Mike. They’re sending them to Rehab today
approximately 1 PM today. It’s the same place at the block from his house. He asked me to
bring shorts and a pair of glasses.I talked to Bob and looks
like our mission is gonna be spread out into next Monday to Tuesday. He’s not sleeping
over tonight he will be calling me and then picking me up and
we’re going to a storage unit up in the great Northeast to take a look at stuff he has to
get a van etc.. It’s at 12:36. I’m walking to the hospital to check up
on Mike. I got the Mike’s hospital room, which was room 510. I got there and
almost immediately when I arrived with his stuff guy with the gurney
came over and the lunch came over at the same time so the guy in the gurney waited
for my detail of his lunch And they were on time. They got
there about 5️⃣ after one and they took Mike on the gurney and put him in the
ambulance with Mike. Last time I wrote an ambulance when I was beaten up by the crazy friend of Carl’s had a party
in 2007 in June. Good times
indeed.😬 anyway, we got to the rehab place and he was placed into room 520. It was really good that they were so efficient because I really
had to be
on time for this appointment or lose $150. Turns out the appointment was scheduled for tomorrow at 2 PM, but I had to cancel it because I
have no idea what’s gonna be happening with Bob picking me up and drive me
up to the great Northeast for Mike’s bed so I
just canceled it till next Wednesday by that time, Bob will be gone and Mike will be out of rehab and think she’ll be normalHe was understanding but a little miffed
Anyway, I left and Philly traffic was being weird and I got that on video. Anyhow, I decided since I wasn’t gonna be in add an appointment I’m.
Get a slice of pizza to eat since I really haven’t eaten anything since my veggie burgers early this morning it’s now 2:15 PM. The pizza was really delicious. I really
needed it to eat since I had eaten since seven in the morning. So I have to eat the pizza I went to Mike’s and called the 17th district for
to file a
police report and they told me to contact 911 and then a police officer will be dispatched. Well, I called 911 and the
showed up pretty promptly. I thought maybe wouldn’t show up for hours since it was such a minor case. The officer was very professional, took down the
Greg the VP of Citadel and they question Mike’s dates of when this happened well, the bank has it
information clearing on the 29th but Mike was in the hospital on the 29th. It happened on the 27th which was the day before
Thanksgiving. Obviously the banks aren’t processing anything on Thanksgiving and the day after
Thanksgiving is the 20 nice. Anyway, Mike was not pleased by all that but he said he’d sleep on it. It’s now 4:49 PM. I went to Mike’s Apartment
went back and picked up. The thermos did a little bit of cleaning and replacing trash bags,
etc. I then went to the 5:30 PM Hot class. There’s a new woman at the front desk is very nice. I was definitely off my rhythm, but I went to the classroom. It was humid and very packed all kinds of new people
join in the eight days that I was gone. It was very packed like old dazed packed. I made it through and Dan was good as usual and then took a quick shower and then went to Linda Yin class. That
was very mellow and she played that song that I’ve loved. It’s very earthy and ethereal at the same time. Mike wrote back to me in text and wanted a couple things to bring to his rehab room.
Things like diet Pepsi and I don’t know what he doesn’t like his room. He saw a mouse and he said the food taste bad there. And now getting some Indian food and hopefully some iced tea and right now the wind’s kicking like chicken it’s now 9:13 PM time to get some Indian and eat and then I’m just gonna take Uber home because it is windy and they’ll charge me for it too.
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