Monday, May 17, 2021

Monday, May 17: Work & a Visit to University of Pennsylvania

Well I didn’t sleep that well last night so I got up and I was just a little bit out of it. I was so out of it I for totally forgot the month the weekly conference

 over the phone that we have. It’s the first one I miss when I wasn’t away on some  vacation. I was going to run up and pick up some materials for ballots but I guess I’ll do that tomorrow. I did schedule day off 

 omorrow. I put it in a little bit late I was up might be a problem. I finally

 made my calls and contacts with the study I was in to make $150 based on autism. They’re going to monitor

 my sleep for about a month like I did with sleep study and wear a band on 

 y wrist. That’ll probably encourage me to get normal amounts of sleep so I 
d on’t screw it up. Then I need to call and get a blood draw.. Hopefully in a month or so I’ll get my money. Well I took a little nap and then talked on the phone a 
 it. I want to get out so I 
looked for the vendor who sold me the strawberries once but he was closed. So I took a walk on Locust Walk and decide to sit on benches for a 
while. I got really good 

 ictures of the Furnes building. It looks really nice in the dusk. It’s now  8:18 PM  I I went to 
 the old fresh grocer which is now an acme 

 upermarket. I got myself a Seibu since I didn’t get enough sleep and I got some organic blueberries and strawberries to hold me over 
 ntil I can order some from Amazon. Anyhow it’s now 8:41 PM and then go home a hold 

I went to the old fresh grocer which is now an acme supermarket. I got myself a Seibu since I didn’t get enough sleep and I got some 
organic blueberries and strawberries to hold me over until I can order 

 ome from Amazon. Anyhow it’s now 8:41 PM and 
 hen go home go home and stay there. That’s for sure. It was a beautiful walk to Penn I must say. It was a perfect evening weatherwise I got to take pictures of places are used to walk around and look at all the time when I was just a young lad in my 20s and 30s. You know before adult and became very real.

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