I got up this morning and noon today is the day to get that stuff done. I went to my morning meeting and took my time and took a nice ell-
deserved shower. It was quite luxurious with all the fussing bubbles and such. the meeting was good I was a little bit late of course but it was
good anyhow. I then
signed into work. Well today was the day of tons of emails with all the districts turning in their reports before the end of the month. You know how I can
e at the end of the month people. It can get kind of funky. Wasn’t bad my supervisor called once and it was a nice conversation.
round that and I’m as caught up as I could possibly be and that’s about
hat was closed at 1 o’clock. I did manage to get the lady at the bank to get me
and hopefully it will print. Go on my breaks I noticed the COVID-19 world around Center city. Most people
Places are open for takeout at limited hours. Very few of the TD banks are open at all and only till about
1:00 PM. But today I just realized
eople I thought I know I didn’t know it all. In Facebook could be a sewer
o speak just now responding to these fools. Anyhow I work till five
nd then got home and then I was picked up to go to Ardmore and watch Hell on Wheels
which is a really good Netflix series. Went to snap pizza which is
wery good as well. Tomorrow the plan is to go to outdoor yoga at Drexel field. It meets
he online version having to be at home. We however still living in a Covid world.
Our country does not have it under control at all. It’s really sad here we are.
The economy is cratering and Congress can’t agree with the Trump hates in the Republicans and the
emocrats can’t come up with a compromise to help people that are obviously still suffering due to crater in economy and sick people. The problem is running election year and we are folks that are taking advantage of it in that way. Sad!