OK so I woke up and made it motivated as usual in this time of COVID-19. Almost makes me dream of having product 19 for us for breakfast
now like in the old days from 1919 or 2019 that is. Anyhow I got up and ate breakfast and lounged around a bit reading YouTube videos
ontributed a little bit of pollution but I try not to do too much. I woke up and made it motivated as usual in this time of COVID-19. Almost makes me dream of having product 19 for us
in the old days from 1919 or 2019 that is. Anyhow I got up and ate breakfast
nd lounged around a bit reading YouTube videos and looking at Facebook
hich is becoming more polluted every day. I admit I’ve contributed
a little bit of pollution but I try not to do too much. Anyhow Pat
ot back from catching the van and he was running a little bit late but I
rinks since it was hot out and headed on down to Millville. Went to Magis first and
moved a couple of things. We then went to 112 E. Pine and picked up a couple things from there. They’re
upposedly interested buyer and it’s up to the bank whether going to accept it. Prayer!
nyhow thank God there was a breeze which made it not quite as hot. I had
Super coffee to get me by plus ice tea. We ended up making two trips the move was
verall very successful. We then got back
towards our place just as it got dark. Thanks went pretty smoothly on the most part that’s for sure. I’m very thankful that there was a breeze. The place is small but I’m sure she’ll make
plenty of room for it. It was hot but it was very pretty
outside. It’s always a trip driving through Millville and it’s environs I am
spent a decade living down there until you live somewhere you really don’t
now the place. That’s my experience at least.
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