nd then had some delicious cereal and that delicious organic coffee. Next thing you know we realized that it was time for her class at the YMCA any moment.
he YMCA. It is a far cry from the YMCA that used to be in Wynnewood. this is a huge modern building. It’s very close to the Norris town high-speed line
This place got rooms galore. She only pays $25 a year for membership there due to the fact of her status. So I got in for free as a guest
and squats and other kinds of exercises that I hadn’t done in years if ever. Anyhow we drove back to her place and made plans and whenever our schedules. It was
seeing my schedule laid out in writing. After we did the scheduling I headed
out to catch the 613 bus. The problem is it was 5:55 PM. I didn’t feel like standing
at the bus stop for 20 minutes so I went to the Rite Aid and got a couple items to
ndulgent for later when I eat dinner. So I got on the bus just in time. I almost missed it because I thought
he bus rambled on for a while and I got home pretty early for me. I cooked up
ome dinner and I put some hili in to my pasta and had about six or seven of the meatballs
they started eating from a couple days ago. There’s meatballs I’ve been in my freezer for
almost a year when Joe moved in. I think I mentioned that before.
nyhow I then started looking at the photographs that I picked up from Millville. There
re some old gems in there. Dating far back as 1978. But a majority of
hem are from the 90s. I made several piles. One for myself one for Wes and one for Bob and Lisa. I have a whole bunch of pictures from
elieve. It was a real trip looking at the old pictures and I also have a gauge meant invite and wedding invitation etc.
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