Monday, January 06, 2020

Monday, January 6: Yoga, Work Troubles, TM and Ardmore

Well I decided that I would be ambitious and go to the 5 AM yoga. I 

 idn’t sleep quite as well as I’d like but I was awake enough to go. The man teaching a class it was pretty good and it wasn’t as boiling hot as it usually is. Actually was able to almost touch 

 y knees with my head on this one move I got complimented on it. After the class I  bought some

 stuff and ended up leaving on the train going to work. I want to 

 tarbucks got a coffee and went to work. I downloaded a couple of mood apps chance to talk to Chris brought up in a text message. I then went to lunch eat my food and then got really tired and

took a nap. I overslept a nap and was late getting back from lunch. It was noticed. I have to be very careful my lunches for a little 

 hile. I did stay about five minutes late to work just to get this pain in the butt report done. I had to get the hang of  this one database system we have called CWDS. I had to get the hang of it because

 I hadn’t used it in a while. It’s not that into it if. I got the report done and corrected to mistakes I made where I got Jr. and Seniors mixed

 up and two women’s teams that were almost felt the same. I decided I wasn’t going to try to go to the meeting and go to the ATM transcendental meditation seminar.
 I decided 

  get my butt home get a bite to eat and take a nap so I will be fortified and ready when I go to Ardmore after the TM meeting at 7 PM at 100 N. Broad Street. Well I had to get off at 63rd St.

 because it was the a train there only stopped at 63rd and not Melbourne. Anyhow decide to come home. Well
 I came home and didn’t eat my rice with some meatballs thrown in. I then took my 19 minute nap which is just enough time to  To pack my change
 of clothes, my tooth case and the pictures from Wes that I found that I picked up in Millville. I did go to the TM seminar. It wasn’t too bad.  You know I was hung up on the price of $740 for 

 omeone and in my income range which is $50,000-$99,000.   I told her. I’m just not completely sold. It was a total of maybe $200 I consider but $740 it’s quite the investment

 I understand  Have a go. Where is it going to do it right away but

 I don’t want to do it right before I go to Florida I need the money 

 lsewhere. I’m thinking if all goes well maybe I’ll do it in March when I hopefully get my tax return. Anyhow, I decide to take the commuter train over to Ardmore. It was going to get me there on time. So I got the

 train with about two minutes to spare but my $4.25 and 25Anyhow, 

  decided to take the commuter train over to Ardmore. It 

 as going to get me there on time. So I got the train with about 2 minutes to spare but my $4.25 ticket. Price seems to change from 425 for six dollars 

 epending on what time and conditions. I got that took to Ardmore and then divide and pick up at 105 Boxberger up so I  could go to Rite Aid and save 15 minutes. I bought my two drinks and didn’t lose them this time. I then headed over. I had one of my Indian meal for a bite at the Trader Joe’s which was really nice. I was really tired and she knew it.

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