unrise or the morning yoga. I think I needed the sleep. I trouble
from 1993 and I will consider seeing him. I’ve got to go through
some stuff first. Anyhow I went to Starbucks and Rite Aid and got my provisions I
need to get by on Friday. I paid most of my bills except the TD Bank
redit card because the app wasn’t working. but is soon as possible so I know
ow much money I really have. Kind a like OJ looking for the real killer.
rying to work on my reverse referrals it’s almost 12 noon already. Amazing
come in like 15 minutes can really make the day go faster. I’m trying to side
hether to do yoga after work or just go straight to Starbucks. He melts 2:35 PM we’re both
orlds I got. I got this report I didn’t see a couple hours after I got sent so I’m going to
have to push hard to get it mostly done. Of course I’m gonna need to get it
completely done but I don’t think that realistic. Glad to take an over and it’s pretty cool but not ridiculously cold. I’m definitely feeling not
having food. Food was pretty good but I need to get change so I can buy a
efreshed liquid refreshment and then work on this report and close out a program code on about 20 people. Maybe I can get a change for a five and get a snack at the
snack bar because I’m still pretty
hungry. I decided to put this come in about Bill Clintons impeachment
up because it something up pretty nicely. Trump’s White House
lawyer requested the Democrats end the impeachment inquiry immediately He said that
because 5 o’clock today was the deadline for the White House to inform congressional
emocrats whether they’re going to testify in the impeachment hearings.
It just seems like a lot of hot air to me.
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