Saturday, August 17, 2019

Saturday August 17: Leaving Vero Beach. Unloading the Truck and Going 2 Storage Place In North Palm Beach

Well after about four hours sleep we woke up in Vero beach Florida and got our free continental breakfast buffet. Again they 

 ad Fox news on. But we are not in Kansas/Philadelphia anymore. Anyway, we got off a little bit late but we got to the condo with me driving at around 11:30 AM and the 

guys were due at noon. They got here at 11:45. It was just in time that we got in. Yet hired for guys and it really helped us a shit load. It’s now 140 and we loaded in the 

 partment we got rid of old stuff and threw it out in the front. There were some very heavy furniture and mattresses that the dudes are able to bring up. There is a nosy lady from the condo  Association who is upset that w left with

 shavings on the concrete. And little bitty glass shards. I cleaned it up. After that Larry arranged it so we could let the guys in and undo the shit that goes in the storage. The most difficult

 part was talking to the guys boss about payment codes and what not. Well I waited as Larry signed his life away to the storage place for 13 month contract. It was the best deal
 for him for sure. It’s now 2:06 PM we’re going to take stuff back up to the condo that Larry wanted to keep after all. Including cigars. I suppose we’re going to have lunch with some ready-made hoagies that 

 eronica got and then move shit around the condo for the rest of the day. I’m glad we don’t have to wait till 

 onday to do the storage thing ourselves that’s quite a relief. That’s thanks 

 or the dudes that Larry hired. They did a really nice job. By then eat delicious

 hoagie and Veronica served up and then I crashed for 2 1/2 hours. That was the best nap

 I’ve had in a long long time that’s for damn sure. One of those Florida

 thunderstorms came by and Santa terrific rain. I was too damn tired to 

 ven think of getting up and recording it but they’ll be other 

 hunderstorms. Now it’s 6:12 PM you can even tell it rained at all. After Larry found his

 charger so we are going to eat at an Italian restaurant in walking distance of their condo. it’s good to not have to be in a truck all day and drive 

 or hours on end🤗 The restaurant was nice and had a relaxing atmosphere which I dug! The The pizza was really good and the 

 anilla ice cream was to die for actually. When we came back home and then

 I would have for a bit. We then touch the wires to Larry’s TV and stereo system but the Comcast wasn’t working

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