o get myself rested. I hung out with Pat and he talked about his favorite topic again today. Anyway I got to work a little bit late but my
supervisor had a meeting all morning. I want to head and started working
n my alerts because whole bunch of them have come in recently this week.
f business today. Tomorrow I know I have a lot of people coming because most of
hem are when I call reschedules. I ate my usual lunch and we had a short unit meeting
nd it was OK. I have to start working on over payments soon since that’s the only thing she evaluates is whether we
read a narrative about Car Parent at the overpayment. Nothing else seems to matter particularly. Anyhow
I left work at 5:20 to finish up this one case and Larry called and wanted me over
trying to give my key for the meeting at 19 and Walmart. It’s been more difficult than it really Hass to
be because my whole evenings are filled up moving my friend.
speak at 5:46 PM. Also, I’ve got this movie and I don’t so that’s all I do work eat sleep and move
ble to do it at least 3 days a week I’ve been able to get there yet. Anyhow
rabbed a coffee on the way to Larry‘s. Lisa was there. We ended up moving stuff while Larry is a little bit stressed out. Moving doesn’t indeed suck. Anyhow
we packed all the stuff that was going to the thrift shop and went
to be there. The speaker was excellent. Everybody knows him and I got reacquainted people I’ve talked to in a while.
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