Sunday, June 23, 2019

Sunday, June 23: Walking πŸ• and a Trip to Baltimore w/ Friends

Good day everyone out there in Internet land. I planned out the commuting

 to the dog walking job back to Fairmount. I’m glad I did because it made things a lot less stressful. I knew when I had 

 o leave etc. Cetera. It’s nice when a plan work out. Anyhow, I went to walk the dogs they did their stuff and I was able to put them in the crate pretty easily. I 

 ad plenty of time left over to catch the trolley and the bus up t Fairmount. I got to the coffee house around 9 o’clock. I got a really warm greeting from a woman in the program which 

 s extremely rare. It was a nice way to start my morning. I’m still working on yesterday‘s blog posting and I’ve worked on Friday’s blog posting and finished it. 

 ot here about 935 and we just chilled out for a while and then made ourselves a hasty

 departure to Baltimore Maryland and nice sunny weather. As

 of 1121 we just stopped at the Maryland house restaurant. Trips going smoothly but my lower back really doesn’t like the trip special when I get off get up to stand up. I’m going to please call Car Rental to get a burrito. It’s kind of like 
Chipotle but different.Well we made it to Steve’s house at 12:15 PM. With a couple 
snacks and hung around and also got a tour of the place. He done some work on it since I was last there years ago. Well the lunch we hung out Steven’s 

 ackyard. It’s very well appointed. We had toast to grill cheese sandwiches homemade potato chips and it’s really delicious corn chowder soup. The corn chowder 

 oup is pretty damn good I must say in the grill cheese was bad. I’m not a huge fan ofgrilled cheese 
sandwiches but if it’s meat decently it’s pretty tasty. After a bit we 

 inished up the food and it was getting too hot to stay outside. We then decided to stay inside which was a lot cooler. It wasn’t terribly humid, it was just a pretty warm 

day.  It was 83°. 83° is not would you call super Duper hot but we’ve  been fortunate and haven’t had a heat wave yet and it’s getting close to the end of June. 

 tuart looks  good I must say. I had nice hanging around those guys today. It was pretty chill I must say. Around 3:15 PM we all split and Wes and I jumped in his 20-year-old BMW and
 had it off for 395 and I 95. The trip was pretty uneventful except for two cases with the traffic slowed to a crawl along I 95. There was also this sledge/idiot who took 

 lmost 10 minutes to find his money to pay the eight dollar toll. It definitely 

 ost more to come back and it does going towards Baltimore we paid eight dollars for dollars and another four dollars so it was 16 bucks. I guess they’re trying 

 o match New York which is currently $20 to get in New York. 

Wes  had to go to this Mankind meeting up in Bryn Athyn. So he dropped me off in old city where I 

 roceeded to catch the hell up to 46th St.. I’m glad we left early only because 

  can take care of the dogs and get home to teach an hour. Monday’s tend to be a rough morning to get up. That’s why it all and 

 oing to yoga because the weekend wears me out. Well, that went well. I was 

 ble throw them in the crate. The only problem is I took the key but I will snag. So now

 I have to take a trip back to get the key back I just 

 as way too tired to walk all the way back afte that’s been my weekend 

 unning from here and there and everywhere. Was a pretty busy weekend overall. I did not go to the Sunday night meeting too much for

 me right now. That gets me there when you get to be home by 10:00 PM 

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