Saturday, June 15, 2019

Saturday, June 15: Meeting, Ambler, Media and Yoga Fundraiser

After a fitful sleep last night, I am finally rest myself out of bed around 9 o’clock. 

 I quickly ate breakfast which was a couple of bars. I then arrived about 8 minutes late after catching the EL and the 33 bus at 13th St. It’s a very nice 🌞 day out here   

 it’s warm but there’s a nice breeze to keep the it cool and the humidity is low. Well as of 12:15 PM I’m @ City Hall and I have to be at 11th and 

 arket by 12:26 PM to make the ample trying to get me there by 1:02 PM. Well I arrived at Jefferson Station with plenty of time. This is because of course our train is the only late train 

 nd it’s 20 minutes late so I’ll be vegetating here probably another 20 minutes 

 ell for some reason it’s late. Must be that bullshit they’re doing with switching 

tracks and stuff. No it’s bad when SEPTA is making announcements

about the train. This is deafly gonna start cramping into my style because I’ve got to get to the golf club for my nieces birthday around 5 o’clock
 but I need to go home and shower first. Now were 27 

 inutes late and counting as of 12:39 PM I can I had my lunch by the time I get this freaking train. Well while I’ 
sitting here waiting for the train which is now 32 

 inutes late I’ll see what’s going on in the outside world. Well our lovely

 president is up to his nasty bag of tricks. He’s  supporting

 a proposal to make a constitutional amendment to ban burning

 the flag. Trump Backs Measure to Ban Flag Burning: “A No Brainer!” 

This was yesterday which was Flag Day.  He sent a really embarrassing

 picture of him self hugging the flag like a porn star. Twitter a reactant in its 

lovely way that it does. Everything has to be about him as the picture shows. It’s 137 and we just left Fort 

 ashington. My batteries running low at 10%. I’m going to 

need to harge my phone at Leslie‘s house if I’m going to get any kind of 

 ction with my phone my charger charging at home. It’s 1:40 PM I

started this trip at noon so I’ll probably be spending at least a third of my truck I’m driving to and fro I might even be going to New Jersey to pick up something for Larry and who knows. At least 

 eslie is being patient again I was has to be there around 1 o’clock. Well I did get to see Leslie but I didn’t get there till close to 1:45 in the afternoon. We ended  up hanging out and talking for a little while. Her

 friend wasn’t gonna be around till three but I had to catch the I 

 m a trained by 3:05 PM to get to media on time so I had to bail out early. The train as on time and I think on the 
 edia and went to reign Swarthmore and then I took a bus and well the Google maps

 took me to the maintenance part of the golf club which was 20 minutes away from the

 Actual club in Clubhouse. So I don’t walk in extra 20 minutes which 

 as not too bad. I came in and everybody was pretty well preoccupied 

 hen I showed up. The dinner was really good these guys made pastor had 

 ou waiting for them kind a like when they make omelettes right front  of you that are very 

  very good. I was pretty darn hungry because I only had was cereal and a 

 aco Bell burrito. Well I got to see Tom and Dave’s  old  friends Mike and Mike 

 Mike Washlick and Bob Bennett pretty good see those guys again. I then was  dropped off with the media trolley runs but this time this weekend then shuttle
 buses running. I thought about going to beat Gatorade but I waited when I arrived at Center City around 9:30 PM. I went to the fundraiser

 and it was interesting I knew three the yoga Place directors

 and that’s about it. They had a pretty good band there and it was going

 to go on till late but I definitely stay there long enough. We got to 

 ee the city city etc. and that was good. It was a busy day and I managed to pull

 it off. Want to do screenshot a very light year and it didn’t seem

 to matter but I didn’t want to test that theory at all. Specially when we have
a short coming up in July. Was interesting seeing the yoga class really from my 6 AM class except the instructors. Back to the real world

 and take a break and space. He’s a real shocker… Not. Top Trump Census Official Communicated With GOP Operative About Citizenship Question. We know in court defending his

 desire to put his citizenship question on the sand. Various boats it would go to Democrats prove we are all bye-bye. He’ll do anything


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