Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Root Canal from Hell

Well, my teeth started to hurt about 4 days ago and yesterday, they REALLY started to hurt. I called my dentest yesterday and got a Root Canal TODAY. While I do appreciated the prompt apt, IT HURT LIKE CRAZY!! The dentist had a problem finding the root due to the crown and there was NOT enough novacane so I made a small screem. He said to stop screaming and I said " I do not want to scream." His reply "Then don't!"
I had to go to 4 Pharmacies to get the Percocet. The pharmacy tech states the govt is clamping down on the issuance of this drug since its an opiate. It was the worst Root Canel I can remember but its over
I was luck the pain has died down but I am so tired. No work for me tomorrow! Above is the step by step process from the X-Ray from LEFT to RIGHT.
Oh by the way you can look at Flower Show photos on Picasa

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