Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Jon Stewart calls out CNBC and Jim Cramer

In about eight minutes, Jon Stewart destroys Jim Cramer, along with CNBC, for the way they all flacked the financial and real estate bubbles right up until the brink of disaster. The most trusted name in financial news? I dont't think so !!!!

Here is the 2nd Jon Stewart clip in which he responds to Jim Cramer.
On Monday night's "Daily Show" Stewart responded to Cramer's response, and while he apologized for getting that bit wrong, he also had quite an effective comeback -- the "Mad Money" host had recommended buying Bear Stearns five days before the clip in question.


Anonymous said...

Must be nice to be in a position where you never have to do anything besides criticize other people.

Jon Stewart is great at showing old clips and displaying great 20/20 hindsight, but he never puts himself out there on the line, does he?

I love his holier than tho attitude, too.

What a tired troll. He's to liberals what Rush is to conservatives. They're the same person, just fighting for different teams.

Unknown said...

Mr. Boner
True 20/20 hindsight is easy BUT these guys at CNBC are paid nice to give us poor saps advice on stocks. Also they have the nerve to try to blame Obama for the present mess. Also they are so dammed cocky. I like it when VERY cocky men are called out

Anonymous said...

Excuse me, it's Mr. Boy.

Anyway, these people are paid to be television personalities. There's a reason why Crammer's set includes a gong and sound effects. If people heed his advice 110-percent, then it's their own fault.

Jon Stewart knows this, his audience knows this, yet he's chosen CNBC to be the scapegoat and not wall street and the banks.

Shame on him.