Thursday, August 09, 2007


Cities with UEZs are allowed to redraw boundaries about every five years. Millville last did it in September 2001.

Major changes this time could include adding several hundred acres at the municipal airport, where an industrial park is being built, and the elimination of a Nabb Avenue parcel once intended as the site for a regional hospital.

The local citizens group, Millville First, had been waiting for Tuesday night's hearing. The group is critical of the zone and the proposed changes, arguing the zone should be reduced in western Millville.


Anonymous said...

I see you are editing your blog & removing comments. No free speech in the "cruel world". Its always interesting to see two sides of a story and allow readers to pick the third, unless of course the only way to support your view is by avoiding knowledge & logic.

Carl B. Johnson said...

One way to take a position is to be a coward and refuse to identify yourself.

Mark's blog is HIS blog, and so he is free to post his viewpoint and free to allow or disallow others to comment. If you aren't ashamed of who you are, why post anonymously?

And if you feel so strongly about your position, where is YOUR blog? Or do you prefer to throw stones from behind your shield of anonymity?

Anonymous said...

Carl, I mean viol8ion, you are correct that it is Mark's blog. If he didn't want people to post, with the option of doing it anonymously, he could eliminate that option and then he would receive the number of comments that WULI/VIOL8ION/Carl Johnson receives on his blog (0 comments)