was good to get a good nights sleep. I literally fell sleep right away as soon as I finish talking on the phone. I didn’t stay up and watch videos
or anything
like that I just wanted to sleep better than I did the night before. The last couple of days were tiring for me. I finally formally put in my time for the pandemic and looked
tomorrow will be my last day. I sent a picture of six of us posing. After
I leave they’ll only be two of them left working for the Commonwealth
. It’s bizarre thing to think about. I got a little bit of work done today which
was good and they realize that tomorrow is h my last day of state plant
will be tomorrow December 22, 2021. Anyhow I have a 6:45 PM yoga class
one of the trains that was scheduled didn’t come by so I’m gonna barely
make it I have to hustle. I walk from 46th and market all the way up
to 47th and Pine Street to make it to the class and get them dressed and not be late. Ended up we
were a little bit late. It was a Pilates class. The room was filled pretty close to the max. It was really hard because it was nonstop movement
. I’m not used to Pilates I don’t know I had an idea that it wasn’t that hard like it was. I made it though
. I was fortunate that it wasn’t more embarrassing for me since I was breathing really heavy and struggling. Right now the Oma Cron Variant is spreading like wildfire right now we’re expecting another surge in coronavirus cases. It’s gonna be like last winter but without the shut downs. I don’t know if this is longer than the 1919 Spanish flu but it didn’t need to be this time around. It’s a damn shit show. Just like Joe mansion is a shit show for objecting to child tax credit that was his main objection to the whole bill what a fucking asshole Republicans wouldn’t do that. Actually John McCain saved Medicaid and Obamacare by voting no on Republicans plan to destroy Obamacare Lynne came over and help me figure out my breathing issues in class. I then ate my leftovers and it’s now 10:00 PM
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