Saturday, February 06, 2021

Saturday, February 6: Walking in Manyunk

Hi. It’s another Saturday during the coronavirus pandemic. Or COVID-19 we called now. Well we slept in as usual and woke up to a very  nice day. The temperatures are moderate it’s 43° outside as of 4:47 PM we’re going to get ready to go to the Manny on trail and walk until it closes at 6 o’clock. Well we got going to the Manayunk trail but the damn trail was closed because

of the snow even though it’s was a week ago. We decided we stay in Manayunk and walk up the 
hills of Marion. We walked straight out this one street call Duncan and walked up these huge steps that  were very steep. I got a good view of Manayunk and we kept walking
and it was very visually pleasing. It was visually pleasing because I have walked through many  like that in years if ever. I really enjoyed the scenery and it as nice change of location and scenery. After that we picked up something nearby and then came back here. I’ve been finished up my super coffee and Lynne fed the cat. 🐈 In news outside my COVID-19 bubble, Fox Business Abruptly Cancels Lou Dobbs’ Show after the Smartmatic lawsuit!! He was such an ass kissing blowhard Trump ass-kisser it was unbelievable. Some of the interviews he did with Trump he was practically like trying to hit on him. I thought he was respectable and I think he was once. Its true that anything that touches Trump turns into crap. Speaking of that Trump’s election fraud falsehoods have cost taxpayers $519 million — and counting Donald Trump’s claims that the election was stolen have forced local, state and federal agencies to spend millions enhancing security, fending off lawsuits and repairing property damage. The costs are mounting daily. It is absolutely staggering!!

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