Friday, February 19, 2021

Friday, February 19: Work Sleet & Snow

Hello there  everyone out there in Covid world  this is Mark speaking on it really just ugly day out. It’s a combination of sleet rain and snow. the so-called “winter he mix.“ I’ve just had been working on MA work 

 upport stuff eating and talking on the phone a little bit. Also I’ve been having YouTube 
videos in the background to protect me and it makes some  sound. I watched
old cartoons of Boris Badinov and Rocky the squirrel and the moose . It’s pretty quiet. It’s now 230 time to clear up lunch and go back to work.  he snow is starting again. It’s basically flurries that’s about it. Geez I almost forgot to mention that the Eagles traded Carson Wentz to 
 ndianapolis. It’s a big deal trade that’s for sure. There’s a lot of commentary about the Eagles needing a rebuild and losing all their “Space
Oh well I think the Eagles got themselves 
 n a pickle. Anyhow hi grinder away at work and got most of what I wanted to get done completed including that MA work support list for 
next week. I then took a shower shaved and all 

 hat and shattered my stuff. I left my backpack in the car. I’m gonna go to 

 rdmore and pick up a pizza from Jules‘s pizza instead of the place at suburban Square. Well ended ended up screwing up my order. I ended up getting two pizzas instead of one with split in the middle. Lynn has no 
room in her fridge because she just got a huge order of Amazon stuff. I don’t know what to say about that. I guess I should’ve asked for two pizzas but I just went ahead and ordered

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