I woke up this morning for a virtual online meeting but that meeting was for tomorrow. So I decided I would just chill after some coffee and
maybe listen to some
Bilmar and catch up on yesterday‘s blog which I just wasn’t in the mood to do for some reason. I didn’t take very many pictures
oing to go to such as you know Florida New Orleans nearby places etc.
some coffee. I definitely need a haircut and got one she did a nice job getting close to my scalp I want to be very short hair so it be aerodynamic and stay neat. It’s a 3:49 PM it’s overcast. It’s going to rain tomorrow I looked at places such as lead Gettysburg in Shadyside and it’s raining already there so I guess this rain is coming from the south to the north. So if I drove anywhere it’s always better to drive north or west. It’s time for a walk
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