Friday, August 21, 2020

Friday, August 21: A Busy Day Workin. Off to Suburbs

I woke up today and did keep the meeting this morning. I was about 10 minutes late. Afterwards I was really tired so I decided to set the
alarm for 8:55 AM so I could just get up at nine. Lois and behold a thing fortunately got up real quick because I set my alarm at 9 PM it’s at 9 AM. I signed  on only about two minutes late. Also, I had my phone set
 to receive calls from work and I was very thankful for that today because my computer was on sleep mode and I wouldn’t been able

 to answer the call. I had two assignments. One of them she didn’t see in the other one was done 

 ncorrectly site we did one which wasn’t terribly hard because I only had to add one name removed
about six names. The computer and my phone acting funny 

 y phone doesn’t have the folder for August 1 referrals but fortunately did shop on the computer. 

 hat was kind of strange Peter’s operating pretty damn slow today. I think I got all my work done 

 orrectly. After work I was picked up and we went to the WYBE urgent 

 are place at the Manoa shopping Center. We went there to get

 a fast COVID-19 test. In other words supposed to take about 2 to 3 hours to find out your results. My 

 nsurance company doesn’t cover the testing anymore since June and they don’t cover  his at all. What’s 

 rong with insurance companies? See with free market health care they just want 

 o save money. If we had some kind of national healthcare or Medicare for all these

 test would be free or heavily subsidized. There’s no excuse for it. The good news

 is that both of us were negative. So that’s a definite plus. That’ll be my second test this summer.

 I then took a nap and then we took a walk. After that we watched some big burly 

 ntertainer who used to be with the 
 able guy and some other guy. He likes to drink he talks real slow. He is funny but something about him feels obnoxious. I couldn’t get over that. The second one we saw was pretty 
 funny.  he first one he was just talking real slow like you have been smoking a bunch of cigarettes along with this
whiskey. Almost forgot to mention we 

 aw grand Torino that movie was really good Clint Eastwood was really 

 eally good in this movie and it was more developed than I even thought it might be.

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