back to sleep and then got up and caught the train on time around 9 o’clock. The only problem is the train was delayed
but that worked out pretty good because the 49 bus was delayed as well and that was a good thing so I was able to get to the OCF Coffeehouse
and deal with
the long ass line. I realized I forgot my backpack and my charging materials which I’m going to need because I’m going to be visiting
Well I didn’t hear from my friend in ambler so I was looking for
lights from West Palm Beach and Fort Lauderdale on Tuesday, August 20. Larry’s going to
fficially move on August 15. Tuesday is the best day to fly because it’s cheaper.
o I went back-and-forth with him while waiting for the 49 bus. When I
I caught the 49 bus I came home and decided I take
eeded a nap and needed to charge my phone.It was a pretty decent nap. I then remembered this time to bring my backpack and my
e a laptop and I can’t break through the sign in so I’m gonna go to the little computer place near where Pat used to live to see if they can break
the computer. Well I went to the little computer place. It was 2:45 or 2:45 PM
nd they were getting ready to close and the guy said the technician’s not here
was just the Asian dude in a black guy just hanging out. He said the guy could
harge $45 to jailbreak the computer. I would think I can do better than that not even
looking it up on the Internet helped. There’s all these complicated things with
etting a thumb drive for getting the windows desk which my mom didn’t have
ave and provoke him I’m just gonna wait till payday and give the
rrands. I went to target and looked at trash receptacles mean laundry basket and nothing really there that I liked. And then went to CVS got a
nd killed a little bit of time in Center City people watching taking pictures of buildings
ent to TD bank to deposit a $37 check my mom gave me when I
ook the 49 bus to the trolley and headed
up to West Philly to walk the dogs. I took a lot of videos of which
I turned into stills which mixes up the order of the pictures a little bit. Actually took a
uick trip to my place after picking up the food kebab us. And then turned
around and took the train back in downtown and took the 49 bus again out of her mouth. After farm and I
rolley and yell back home pretty late around 10:00 PM. I did see Mike and his wife as I was making my rounds
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