Friday, May 31, 2019

Friday, May 31: An Odd Way to End May

I slept in again in keeping with my latest routine. I woke up with  my top row of gum   

 urting like crazy. I have done my business so it was weird got up and out alittle late to work but it didn’t even matter today which was good. I was late for  

esterday. I did call the dentist and have an appointment at 4 PM on Monday. I’ve  got to bring the chipped off piece to my front partial maybe 

 hey can fix it I’ve been blowing it off but I think it irritated my gums 

Anyhow, I worked on my alerts and saw a couple of people. I had my 

 amosas for lunch and they were good. I pushed ahead and got

 as much work as I could get done. My feet were wet but I had a extra pair 

 f shoes so I I bought a pair of socks of the big dagger for a buck and got a Diet 

 epsi and it felt so good to have dry feet. I didn’t find out that my 

 ld shop steward is going to take over since the current job steward been out sick
for amonth  . No idea what’s wrong with him. It’s the great mystery. Several 
 wo people are leaving the office as of next Friday, June 7. I declined to

 apply for the deposition I just wanted to leave well enough alone 

 t this point. I then went to TD bank and got the check so I can pay Pat back plus the

 700 bucks which is $800. Around that time I ran into some family drama over the phone

 enough said about that.  Anyhow, I went to Saxby’s to try the oat milk and 

 ensation that’s running across the nation at least in hip areas that is. I tried 

 t and I filmed the event. I didn’t like it much I’ll just leave 

 t at that it was a big come down from the soy. So I went to CBS Sports on my 

 avorite juice and a couple yogurts I am going to walk the min 

pinchers. At least 11 dead in Virginia Beach shooting at Government Center  Once 

 again there was a deadly mass shooting. This time it happened  

at Virginia Beach government office. 12 people were killed by a former 

 mployee of the place. This is a fucked up that’s for sure.

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