running around yesterday and that goofy ass weather. I called my spot tell him I was going to be 15 minutes late he said he be a lot later I said
ass late. So I proceed to put on my big fat headphones while I wait
he wetness from yesterday‘s rain sleet freezing rain snow combination
hat we got smacked with yesterday. It was nice though to take a mid afternoon nap in the middle of the week. The
orning was good but I noticed right after the meeting
verybody broke into small groupings and I’m sitting there with my dorky headphones
ifting them up from the floor. There was a cool dude who came up and talk to me
o I really appreciated it. He said he was going to send his phone number so hopefully will. It’s a lot easier to meet someone when
they’re interested in meeting you. I didn’t let it get me all fucked up and ahead
that I fell out of it. Also since half the people were women that explains a lot especially with me they generally
just don’t come up and talk to me Well when I got to work I was marked down a half hour late. I then
roceeded to get to my work and worked on the alerts and only one person came in.
hich was fortunate because I was kind of struggling but will be efficient
today. I feel pretty good but I’m still struggling. Well I left work and it’s a
nd the bus was packed I was fortunate to find a seat. I then arrived and my friend
arrives shortly there after. It’s much more crowded today than it was yesterday.
bviously cause the weather is much nicer. Well we went to the meeting
about the story “Dr. heal by self.” It as a bit goofy. He was the president of his
he bus it showed up and I went to his place for a minute and then caught
he 32 bus back to my wonderful bachelor pad. I then talked
n the phone with a new friend. And that went OK. She’s got a colleague coming down from Boston for her work @ Jefferson. Short time to think so not sure it’s going to happen there. I then ate that was about it
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