The Millville Development Corporation had its awards dinner on Monday September 17th. This event was to thank all the folks who make the revitialization of Millville a sucess. There was time out for fun as well.
Each award was named after a popular song. The "Street Fighting Man award was awarded to Carl Johnson
The "I am a believer" award was won by Maryann Cannon and the "You Ain't see Nothin Yet" award was give to Linda Raines She is on the 2nd part of the same video with Maryann Cannon. Bogart's Books won the "Eight Days a Week award for being open every day of the week. The "Knockin on Heaven's Door" prize was won by Christina’s Boutique which is on the Village on High on the 500 block of High Street.Don Cossaboon-DeGregorio got the "Get Up Stand Up" award. He was certified as the 1st Pirate-in-Residence
The "You are Precisely My Cup of Tea" award was awarded to the Vintage Rose Tea Room Jim Penlyn won the "With a Little Help from my Friends" award for opening his studio and shop called JB and Me in the Art District. One of the architects of the Millvile Arts District Kim Warker won the "We Can Work it Out" award. She does deserve this award with all that she does for Millville. The next award was given to Isabelle Samuel She won the "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" for her wonderful colorful studio and shop on High Street. The "There's No Business like Show Business" award went to Sitar Bob Price. He is holding the 2nd AnnualSEPTEMBER SHORTS FILM FESTIVAL on Friday September 28th. Last year's Film Festival was a smashing success.RRCA Executive Director Carolyne Krull won the "Lean on Me" award for developing strong relationships between the RRCA and Main Street Millville. Two new businesses in downtown Millville Flynn Interiors and Blac and Blue received the "Welcome to the Jungle" award for starting their businesses in Millville.Skyline Antiques received the "Staying Alive" award for having the business on the 3rd floor with no elevator.The Emcee's of the festivities were Marianne Loads and Tim Shannon. They were excellent and made the evening very fun for everyone. Marianne Loads and Allison Corson were thanked by Tim Shannon for all the work they do day in and day out for the Glasstown Arts District and Main Street. Watch this Video to find out who won the "Love Stinks" award that closed out the event
So much better than the high school "best smile", "most likely to succeed", "best athlete". Just ONCE I'd like to win a "fighting man on the street" award (actually, there's a story about that if you'd like to hear it sometime. I had to defend myself in an alleyway, and I did a damn good job, if I do say so myself).
Anway, a "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" award or "Get Up, Stand Up", that would be something to hang on the wall. LOVE the creativity.
I'm on dialup (I basically live in a cave in the middle of nowhere), so I couldn't watch the "Love Stinks" award. fill me in sometime if you want to.
Beware,another CAVE Person!
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